Date of birth: | 1966 |
Ethnicity: | AFRICAN |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Special characteristics: | REGULAR |
Primary crime type: | FELON |
Previous location: | NORTH PIEDMONT CCW |
Last movement date: | May 15, 2002 |
Inmate status: | INACTIVE |
Incarceration status: | INACTIVE |
Escapes: | N |
Custody classification: | MINIMUM 2 |
Current location: | GASTON COUNTY |
Conviction date: | Oct 9, 2001 |
Control status: | REGULAR POPULATION |
Admitting location: | NC CI WOMEN |
Admission date: | Oct 10, 2001 |
Unit description: | 2837 Liberty Lane; Janesville, WI 53545; (608)758-6075 |
Unit: | 1 17 |
Pin number: | 319825 |
Photo date: | Jan 26, 2010 |
Release date: | May 15, 2002 |
Booking location: | Gaston County, NC |
Booking number: | 00280484 |
Booking location: | Polk County, WI |
Type: | FELON |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | CLASS H |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | BA-001 |
Discharge date: | Oct 9, 2001 |
Release date: | May 15, 2002 |
Punishment type: | ACTIVE SS |
Projected release date: | May 15, 2002 |
Offense date: | Apr 3, 2000 |
Minimum term: | 7 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 9 MONTHS |
Docket: | 00054505 |
Conviction date: | Oct 9, 2001 |
Conviction county: | GASTON |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Statute: | 940.19(1) M , 968.075 |
County: | ROCK |
Convicted: | May 15, 2001 |
Case number: | 01CM00306 |
Statute: | 939.62(1)(A) , 940.19(1) M , 968.075(1)(A) |
County: | ROCK |
Convicted: | Jun 13, 2005 |
Case number: | 04CM04019 |
Statute: | 939.62(1)(B) , 948.03(3)(B) F |
County: | ROCK |
Convicted: | Jan 26, 2010 |
Case number: | 09CF518 |
Statute: | 940.19(1) M |
County: | ROCK |
Convicted: | Jul 21, 1994 |
Case number: | 94CF520 |
Statute: | 939.62 , 940.19(1) M |
County: | ROCK |
Convicted: | Apr 25, 1995 |
Case number: | 94CM01782 |