Unit: | GCDC-ADM |
Booking number: | 2014778468 |
Booking location: | Gwinnett County, GA |
Booking number: | 2011456554 |
Booking location: | Gwinnett County, GA |
Booking number: | 2014781444 |
Booking location: | Gwinnett County, GA |
Warrant: | 12-B-02003-5 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Order status: | Active |
Fel misd traffic hold: | H |
Description: | HOLD FOR COURT |
Code section: | 99-99999 |
Booking number: | 2014778468 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | M11-04831 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | Violation of Probation |
Code section: | 42-8-38 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | 11W-14242 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | * ESCAPE |
Code section: | 16-10-52 |
Bond type: | CB |
Bond amount: | $11,200 |
Warrant: | 11W-14198 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | @ Violation of Protective Order |
Code section: | 16-5-95 |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $2,400 |
Warrant: | 11W-14199 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | @ * BATTERY |
Code section: | 16-5-23.1 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | 11W-14200 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | @ * THEFT BY TAKING |
Code section: | 16-8-2 |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $2,400 |
Warrant: | 11W-14201 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88383036781 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | F |
Description: | * CREDIT CARD THEFT |
Code section: | 16-9-31 |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $2,400 |
Warrant: | 11D-05196-2 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Order status: | Inactive |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Code section: | 42-8-38 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | 12B-2003-5 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Order status: | Active |
Fel misd traffic hold: | M |
Description: | * ESCAPE |
Code section: | 16-10-52 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | 12-B-02003-5 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Order status: | Active |
Fel misd traffic hold: | H |
Description: | HOLD FOR COURT |
Code section: | 99-99999 |
Booking number: | 2014781444 |
Bond type: | NB |