Date of birth: | Jul 9, 1937 |
Hair: | Bald |
Eyes: | Blue |
Unit description: | 1146 Grant St, Beloit, WI 53511-4125, (608)364-3040 |
Unit: | 1 06 |
Sex offender criminal code: | 948.02(2): Second-Degree Sexual Assault of a Child |
Sex offender compliance status: | COMPLIANT |
Pin number: | 27143 |
Photo date: | May 4, 2011 |
Maximum discharge date: | Dec 1, 1998 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
Side: | RIGHT |
Mark type: | MISSING |
Description: | MISSING 3 FINGERS |
Body part: | HAND |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | UPPER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | "BJH" |
Body part: | ARM |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | "SEVERAL TATOOS" |
Side: | CENTER |
Orientation: | BOTTOM |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | 6" long |
Body part: | ABDOMEN |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | BOTTOM |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | 3" x 4" scar (skin graft) |
Body part: | LEG |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | missing all fingers on right hand except pinky |
Body part: | HAND |
Booking number: | 00003478 |
Release date: | Jan 13, 1998 |
Booking location: | Green County, WI |
Statute: | 948.02(2) F |
County: | GREEN |
Convicted: | Jan 8, 1993 |
Case number: | 93CR193 |