Date of birth: | Dec 1, 1985 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Release date: | Jun 9, 2006 |
Inmate status: | RELS |
Cin: | 490377 |
Build: | MED |
Booking number: | 200608131 |
Booking date: | Jun 7, 2006 |
Bn: | 72547 |
Birth place: | OH |
Arrest date: | Jun 7, 2006 |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Docket no: | 1459940 |
Complexion: | FAR |
City of birth: | STUBEN |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Jun 30, 2011 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Jun 7, 2006 |
Arrest type: | ON VIEW |
Booking type: | FELONY |
Booking type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Dispo type: | BOND |
Court case: | CRC0602966CFAWS |
Code: | 812.019.1 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | DEALING IN STOLEN PROPERTY |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Statute: | 999999-05 |
Offense description: | PASCO #0602699 VOP - GRAND THEFT |
Obts: | 5206096689 |
Court case: | CRCAA95870CFANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Agency report number: | TS11001729 |
Statute: | 843.02/M |
Offense description: | RESISTING AN OFFICER W/O VIOLENCE |
Obts: | 5206096689 |
Court case: | CTC1115329MMANO |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond assessed: | $150 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | TS11001729 |
Dispo type: | TS |
Court case: | CRC0602966CFAWS |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION FELONY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest seq: | 1 |
Statute: | 999999-05 |
Offense description: | PASCO #0602966CFAWS DEALING IN STOLEN PROP |
Court case: | CRCAB59324CFANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $5,000 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Statute: | 316.193(1)/M |
Offense description: | VOP DUI |
Court case: | CTC054783XAIANC |
Charge number: | 2 |
Statute: | 322.34(2)(A)/M |
Offense description: | FTA DWLSR |
Court case: | CTC061786DMVANC |
Charge number: | 3 |
Agency report number: | SO07238924 |