Robert Allen Kotlar

Last Updated: January 24th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 11″ (1.80m)
195lbs (88kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Aug 9, 1958
Hair: Grey or partially grey
Eyes: Hazel
Wanted for: Parole Violation (Original Offense: Burglary of a Habitation)
Tdc: 01184396
Smt: Numerous tattoos on hands, arms, legs, and abdomen
Sid: TX02899759
Lkc: Houston, Texas
Lka: 10950 Beaumont Highway
Inmate name: Robert Allen Kotlar
Details: Robert Allen KOTLAR was born in Tyler, Texas, and has a lengthy criminal history, including arrests for Assault Causes Bodily Injury, Burglary of a Habitation, Possession of Marijuana, and various other felonies. In 1993, KOTLAR was convicted of Burglary of a Habitation and sentenced to five years in TDCJ. In 2003, he was again convicted of Burglary of a Habitation and received 15 years in TDCJ. He was paroled in 2011. On May 8, 2013, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles issued a warrant for KOTLAR's arrest for Parole Violation. KOTLAR has had previous residences in Houston and Del Valle, Texas, and has family in Denton, Bay City, and Louise, Texas, as well as in Tucson, Arizona. However, KOTLAR is believed to be in the Austin area and may be homeless.
Cch: Assault, Burglary of Habitation, Larceny, Theft of Property, Vehicle Theft, Forgery, Possession of Marijuana, Resisting Officer, Fail to ID Fugitive/Intent to Give False Information
Caution: Subject should be considered ARMED and DANGEROUS!
Aliases of suspect: Paul Wayne Conners, Murdock
SO#: 50930

Documented Aliases

Paul W Conners
Paul Wayne Conners
Robert Koltar
Robert Allen Koltar
Robert Kotlar
Robert A Kotlark

Known addresses

Bastrop, TX 78602

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Bastrop Police Department
Booking number: 12-01843
Booking date: Jun 19, 2012
Release date: Aug 3, 2012
Jail name: Bastrop County,TX Sheriff's Office
Location: 200 Jackson St, Bastrop, TX 78602

Booking location: Texas

Recent Charges

Warrant id: CH-20120619-B
Issuing auth: MunB
Offense date: Jun 19, 2012
Bond type: $2,500 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: OTHER

Warrant id: 03242012-02899759
Charge: Parole Violations
Issuing auth: Austin Parole
Charge desposition: TRANSFERRED


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.