Date of birth: | Jun 25, 1976 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Docket no: | 1442631 |
Complexion: | MED |
Birth place: | PA |
Arrest date: | Feb 16, 2011 |
Arresting agency: | CLEARWATER POLICE |
Description: | Tattoo upper right arm, a scheleton. On forearm a scull, Hello!, a bird and a heart on back side of right forearm. |
Booking type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | DOMESTIC BATTERY |
Obts: | 5206088264 |
Court case: | CTC1103722MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Agency report number: | CW11016309 |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | DOMESTIC BATTERY |
Court case: | CTC1103722MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $10,000 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | DOMESTIC BATTERY |
Obts: | 5207113667 |
Court case: | CTC1106647MMANO |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond assessed: | $10,000 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | CW11030055 |