Date of birth: | Sep 17, 1969 |
Ethnicity: | H |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Zipcode: | 18015 |
Inmate number: | 113953 |
First middle last: | ROBERTO MARTINEZ JR |
Detainer: | NO |
Citizen: | Y |
Birth place: | PA |
Hold for: | 16CF000390 |
Occupation: | LABOR |
Mugshots com: | 183494032 |
Bond amount: | $1,250 |
Ext id key: | 938167871851997961 |
Booking number: | 2016-004767 |
Booking date: | Feb 8, 2016 |
Booking location: | Polk County, FL |
Booking number: | 2016-004042 |
Booking date: | Feb 2, 2016 |
Booking location: | Polk County, FL |
Arrest date: | Apr 28, 2012 |
Arrest officer: | 1655 |
Booking number: | 12003830 |
Release date: | Apr 30, 2012 |
Booking location: | Lake County, FL |
Arresting agency: | LAKE COUNTY S.O. |
Arrest date: | Mar 30, 2016 |
Arrest location: | TAVARES FL |
Arrest officer: | 630 |
Booking number: | 16002221 |
Booking officer: | 1715 |
Booking location: | Lake County, FL |
Arresting agency: | OCSO |
Arrest date: | Apr 26, 2020 |
Booking number: | 347963 |
Booking location: | Osceola County, FL |
Statute: | 901.04 Warrant Arrest Other Jurisdiction |
Charge on arrest docket: | >O/B WAOJ-GRAND THEFT-LAKE |
Surety: | 5000.00 |
Statute: | 812.014(2)(C)1 Grand Theft - $300 - |
Charge on arrest docket: | >Grand Theft - $300 - |
Bond type: | CS |
Surety: | 5000.00 |
Statute: | 817.034(4)(A)1. Obtain Property by Fraud >$50,000 |
Charge on arrest docket: | >SCHEME TO DEFRAUD |
Bond type: | CS |
Statute: | DETENTION HOLD Hold for another agency (DETENTION ONLY) |
Charge on arrest docket: | >HOLD LAKE CO |
Surety: | 2000.00 |
Statute: | 901.04 Warrant Arrest Other Jurisdiction |
Charge on arrest docket: | >WAOJ-GRAND THEFT-LAKE |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond: | B012167 |
Statute: | DETENTION HOLD Hold for another agency (DETENTION ONLY) |
Charge on arrest docket: | >HOLD FOR PENNSYLVANIA |
Surety: | 5000.00 |
Statute: | 812.014(2)(C)1 Grand Theft - $300 - |
Charge on arrest docket: | >O/B GRAND THEFT |
Bond type: | CS |
Surety: | 5000.00 |
Statute: | 817.034(4)(A)1. Obtain Property by Fraud >$50,000 |
Charge on arrest docket: | >O/B SCHEME TO DEFRAUD |
Bond type: | CS |
Surety: | 1000.00 |
Statute: | 539.001(8)(B)8.A False Owner Info Pawned Items |
Charge on arrest docket: | >O/B FALSE OWNER INFO PWNED ITEMS |
Bond type: | CS |
Surety: | 5000.00 |
Statute: | 812.019(1) Dealing in Stolen Prop. |
Charge on arrest docket: | >O/B DEALING IN STOLEN PROPERTY |
Bond type: | CS |
Statute: | 941.13 Fugitive from Justice Out of State Warrant |
Charge on arrest docket: | >FUG FROM JUSTICE - PENNSYLVANIA |
Statute: | 13081 |
Offense type: | TF |
Offense: | GRAND THEFT M/T $300 L/T $20000 |
Doc type: | WA |
Court room: | ARRAIG |
Court date: | Apr 25, 2016 |
Bondstatus: | Open |
Bond type: | CS |
Bond amount: | $2,000 |
Agency cfs: | 16CF390 |
Statute: | 9554 |
Offense type: | SM |
Doc type: | WA |
Court room: | ARRAIG |
Court date: | Apr 25, 2016 |
Bondstatus: | Open |
Bond type: | CS |
Bond amount: | $2,000 |
Agency cfs: | 16CT616 |
Amount: | $4,000 |