Roland Alan Evans

Last Updated: February 1st, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
245lbs (111kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 27, 1979
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Cfn: 888444
Released by: A484 - Tankersley, P.
Possibility phone calls: Yes
Occupation: Unemployed
Language: English
Commissary number: 325778
Comments: TOT TO DOC
Case number: 2012-00008500
Visitation: Saturday 5:00 Pm-7:00 Pm
Inmate number: 216684
Housing location: A4-d2
Bond amount: $610,000

Scars marks tattoos

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 1
Location: Hand Right Tattoo
Description: DGB

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 2
Location: Hand Left Tattoo
Description: Tribual

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 3
Location: Chest Tattoo
Description: Tribual

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 4
Location: Hand Left Tattoo
Description: Tribual

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 5
Location: Arm Right Tattoo
Description: Right Forearm "Cross w/Tribual"

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 6
Location: Arm Left Tattoo
Description: L FOREARM "Clown Face"

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Smt: 7
Location: Arm Right Tattoo
Description: Right Outter Forearm "PAIR"

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: MCS
Arrest date: Apr 27, 2013
Booking location: Martin County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Sep 3, 2012
Arrest location: 4055 41st Ave Vero Beach
Booking number: 2012-00003691
Booking date: Sep 3, 2012
Release reason: TOT Department of Corrections
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office
Booking date: Aug 28, 2011
Booking location: St. Lucie County, FL

Recent Charges

Docket: 2011CF1190
Charge number: 1
Charge: Misdemeanor Petit Theft 2nd Degree
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004924
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1190
Charge number: 2
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004948
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1189
Charge number: 3
Charge: Felony 3rd Deg Grand Theft
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004949
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1189
Charge number: 4
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004950
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 5
Charge: Felony Poss Counterfeit Currency
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004938
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 6
Charge: Felony Organized Fraud Under $20,000
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004937
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 7
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004936
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 8
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004935
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 9
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004934
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 10
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004933
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 11
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004932
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 12
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004931
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 13
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004930
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 14
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004929
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 15
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004928
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 16
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004927
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 17
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004926
Bond amount: $0

Docket: 2011CF1088
Charge number: 18
Charge: Felony Utter Forged or Counterfeit Bill
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: WR
Bond number: 2012-00004925
Bond amount: $0

Docket: ST.Lucie Co
Charge number: 19
Charge: Hold for Corrections
Bond remarks: St. Lucie co

Type: Felony
Statute: FS*831.09
Bond amount: $20,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct1-utter False Bank Bill Note Check Draft **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct2-utter False Bank Bill Note Check Draft **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct3-utter False Bank Bill Note Check Draft **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct4- Organized Fraud-less Than $20,000//fraud- Swindle Obtain Property Under 20k Dols **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct5- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct6- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct7- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct8- Uttering Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note **out Of County Resident**
Bond amount: $5,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 1 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 2 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River Countyct 3 /uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 4 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 5 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 6 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 7 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 8 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 9 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 10 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 11 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 12 Uttering Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 13 Organized Fraud Less Than 20,000
Bond amount: $50,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/indian River County/ct 14 Poss Of Forged Notes Or Bills
Bond amount: $100,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct9- Possession Of Forged Note Or Bills//possess Conterfeited / 10 Or More Certain Bills Notes
Bond amount: $35,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold//federal
Bond amount: $0

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct10- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note
Bond amount: $10,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct11- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note
Bond amount: $10,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct12- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note
Bond amount: $10,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct13- Uttering A Forged Bill, Check Or Draft//pass Counterfeited Bank Bill Check Draft Note
Bond amount: $10,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Ct14- Communication Fraud $300 Or More//fraud-swindle Obtain Property Communication 300 Dols Or More
Bond amount: $25,000

Status: Pending
Charge description: Hold/martin Co/ Ct 1 Uttering A Forged Bill Check Or Draft
Bond amount: $20,000


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.