Date of birth: | Aug 22, 1986 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Hair length: | SHORT HAIR |
Complexion: | FAIR SKINNED WHITE |
Martial status: | SINGLE |
Citizen: | USA |
Cob: | USA |
Facility: | MAIN |
Booked at: | FAYETTE COUNTY |
Permanent location: | GREENE |
Inmate number: | JL7858 |
Current location: | GREENE |
Committing county: | GREENE |
State id: | JL8758 |
Permanent id: | 34-188 |
Marital status: | MARRIED |
Booking number: | 34-188 |
Booking date: | Feb 25, 2013 |
Booking location: | Armstrong County, PA |
Booking date: | Jan 26, 2005 |
Release date: | Jul 1, 2005 |
Jail name: | Fayette County Jail |
Location: | 61 E Main St, Uniontown, PA 15401 |
Booking location: | Greene County, PA |
Case number: | 184 OF 2005 |
Offense date: | Jan 26, 2005 |
Code: | 183502A |
Description: | BURGLARY |
Grade: | F |
Degree: | 1 |
Grade: | O |
Code: | AR0000000013 |
Case number: | 184 OF 2005 |
Bond amount: | $100,000 |
Status: | Sentenced |
Posted by: | M.VERNON |
Posted date: | Jan 26, 2005 |