Date of birth: | Dec 23, 1969 |
Hair: | Salt and pepper |
Eyes: | Brown |
Religion: | ROMAN CATHOLIC |
Probation/Parole officer: | MICHELLE ROYBAL |
Offender status: | DISCHARGED |
Nmcd: | 59764 |
Last known city state: | LAS VEGAS, NM |
Complexion: | OLIVE |
Birth place: | NM |
State no: | 012090020840 |
Inmate number: | 323350 |
Booking number: | 1000012932 |
Booking date: | Apr 17, 2010 |
Release date: | Apr 19, 2010 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0900019708 |
Booking date: | Dec 12, 2009 |
Release date: | Dec 14, 2009 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0900019279 |
Booking date: | Nov 26, 2009 |
Release date: | Nov 29, 2009 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0700003434 |
Booking date: | Sep 14, 2007 |
Release date: | Sep 19, 2007 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0700001444 |
Booking date: | Jul 6, 2007 |
Release date: | Jul 7, 2007 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0600002425 |
Booking date: | Feb 10, 2007 |
Release date: | Apr 3, 2007 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 2003110119 |
Booking date: | Nov 5, 2003 |
Release date: | May 7, 2004 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 2003060884 |
Booking date: | Jun 29, 2003 |
Release date: | Oct 22, 2003 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking location: | New Mexico |
Statute description: | HOLD FOR COURT D0101CR2003279 |
Statute: | DO101CR2003279 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $25,000 #1 |
Statute description: | BREAKING AND ENTERING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-14-8 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $50,000 #1 |
Statute description: | BREAKING AND ENTERING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-14-8 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 #1 |
Statute description: | BREAKING AND ENTERING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-14-8 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $100,000 #1 |
Statute description: | BREAKING AND ENTERING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-14-8 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $25,000 #1 |
Statute description: | STALKING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-3A-3A |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $50,000 #1 |
Statute description: | STALKING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-3A-3A |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 #1 |
Statute description: | STALKING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-3A-3A |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $100,000 #1 |
Statute description: | STALKING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-3A-3A |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $25,000 #1 |
Statute description: | EVADING M49FR200300436DIV3 |
Statute: | 30-22-1C |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond amount: | $50,000 #1 |
Statute description: | FAILURE TO PAY FINES |
Statute: | M49MR200902348 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFPD |
Bond type: | CASH |
Bond amount: | $226 #1 |
Statute description: | DIST WARRANT D0101CR200300435 |
Statute: | D0101CR200300435 |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond amount: | $25,000 #1 |
Description: | ASSAULT UPON A HOUSEHOLD MEMBR (D-101-CR-2003-00435 ) |
Description: | BATTERY UPON A HOUSEHOLD MEMBR (D-101-CR-2003-00435 ) |
Description: | FALSE IMPRISONMENT (D-101-CR-2003-00435 ) |
Description: | STALKING 1ST OFF (D-101-CR-2003-00435 ) |
Description: | DWI - DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 4TH OFF (D-101-CR-2003-00279 ) |
Description: | RESISTING/EVADING AN OFFCR (D-101-CR-2003-00279 ) |
Statute description: | ASSAULT ON PEACE OFFICER |
Statute: | 30-22-21 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFSO |
Bond type: | SURETY/CASH |
Bond amount: | $2,000 #1 |
Statute description: | RESISTING /EVADING/ OBSRT |
Statute: | 30-22-1 |
Charge number: | 2 |
Case number: | SFSO |
Bond type: | ASABOVE |
Bond amount: | $0 #2 |
Statute description: | FELONY PROBATION VIOLATION |
Statute: | 31 21 15 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | NMCD |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |
Statute description: | CRIMINAL TRESSPASS |
Statute: | 16-9.1 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFPD |
Bond type: | SURETY/CASH |
Bond amount: | $500 #1 |
Statute description: | PROBATION VIOLATION |
Statute: | D101CR200300279 |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #2 |
Statute description: | UNLAWFUL USE OF A LICENSE |
Statute: | 12-6-12.6 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFPD |
Bond type: | CASH |
Bond amount: | $1,000 #1 |
Statute description: | PAROLE VIOL |
Statute: | CC-01-07-70 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | CSF FOR APPO |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |