Date of birth: | Oct 3, 1955 |
Ethnicity: | Not Hispanic |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Risk level: | 2 |
Designation: | Sexually Violent Offender |
Status: | RELEASED |
Release type: | PAROLE - COND REL TO PAROLE |
Parole hearing type: | RELEASE CONDITIONS |
Maximum expiration date: | Nov 4, 2009 |
Facility: | OTISVILLE |
Din: | 01A6548 |
Date received original: | Dec 14, 2001 |
Date received current: | Dec 14, 2001 |
Booked at: | KINGS |
Aggregate minimum sentence: | 0000 Years, 00 Months, 00 Days |
Aggregate maximum sentence: | 0008 Years, 00 Months, 00 Days |
Release date: | Sep 12, 2008 |
Booking location: | New York |
Booking location: | New York |
Title: | PL |
Subsection: | 01 |
Section: | 130.35 |
Description: | Rape-1st:Forcible Compulsion |
Degree: | 1 |
Class: | B |
Category: | F |
Title: | PL |
Section: | 255.25 |
Description: | Incest-3rd Degree: Engage In Sexual Conduct With Related Person |
Degree: | 3 |
Class: | E |
Category: | F |
Crime: | RAPE 1ST |
Class: | B |
Weapon used: | Non-Stranger |
Relationship to victim: | Sexual Contact |
Pornography involved: | Coercion |
Offense description: | Deviate Sexual Intercourse |
Force used: | No weapon used |
Computer used: | Immediately and physically overpowered |
Charges: | N/A |
Victim sex age: | Female , 15 Years |
Arresting agency: | NYCPD Sex Offender Unit |