Russell Lee Mckinnon

Last Updated: February 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
5′ 9″ (1.75m)
170lbs (77kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jun 20, 1987
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Released by: A217 - Gist, S.
Possibility phone calls: Yes
Occupation: Chef
Language: English
Commissary number: 175781
Case number: 2008-00002359
Releasing officer: A265 - Saputo, L.
Release status: Yes
Reason for being released: TOT Department of Corrections
Occupations: Chef
Case no: 2012-00065501
Docket no: 1273104
Complexion: DRK
Birth place: FL
Arrest date: Oct 21, 2007
Arresting agency: GULFPORT POLICE
Booking location: Pinellas County, FL
Scars marks tattos: Type Location Description TATTOO LEFT ARM SCORPIAN
Initial receipt date: Jul 6, 2012
Facility: CFRC-MAIN
DC number: K83919
Current custody: PENDING

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

St Petersburg, FL 33705

Scars marks tattoos

Type: Tattoo ( Bug/Insect )
Location: Forearm Left Tattoo
Description: Scorpion

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: May 25, 2012
Arrest location: Airport DR and 26th ST
Booking number: 2012-00002226
Booking date: May 25, 2012
Release date: Jul 6, 2012
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jun 17, 2010
Arrest location: 4055 41st ave Vero Beach,Fl
Booking number: 2010-00002984
Booking date: Jun 17, 2010
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jun 24, 2009
Arrest location: 4th St / IR Blvd Vero Beach
Booking number: 2009-00003295
Booking date: Jun 24, 2009
Release reason: Time Served
Release date: Sep 9, 2009
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Mar 10, 2009
Arrest location: 4055 41st Ave Vero Beach FL (jail)
Booking number: 2009-00001373
Booking date: Mar 10, 2009
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Jul 29, 2008
Arrest location: 10th ave 17th st Vero Beach,Fl
Booking number: 2008-00004233
Booking date: Jul 29, 2008
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Mar 9, 2008
Arrest location: 2180 10th Ave Vero Beach, Fl
Booking number: 2008-00001396
Booking date: Mar 9, 2008
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Nov 7, 2007
Arrest location: 4055 41st Ave Vero Beach
Booking number: 2007-00006725
Booking date: Nov 7, 2007
Release reason: Time Served
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Apr 2, 2007
Arrest location: 510 8th Manor #103 Vero Beach
Booking number: 2007-00002049
Booking date: Apr 2, 2007
Release date: May 2, 2007
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jan 12, 2007
Booking number: 2007-00000269
Booking date: Jan 12, 2007
Release reason: Posted Cash Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Booking type: FELONY

Release date: Aug 23, 2013
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Recent Charges

Reason: Felony Flee & Elude [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2009CF792
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2009CF792
Bond number: 2009-00004398
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/Suspended DL With Knowledge
Docket: 2009CF792
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2009CF792
Bond number: 2009-00004385
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Willful Wanton Reckless Driving
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002590
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Resist Arrest Without Violence
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002591
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Loitering or Prowling [ Disposition / Date ]
Docket: 2008MM0717
Bond remarks: 2008MM0717

Reason: Misdemeanor Shoplifting/Retail Theft
Docket: 2008MM2203
Bond remarks: 2008MM2203

Reason: Misdemeanor Give False Name While Detained
Docket: 2008MM2203
Bond remarks: 2008MM2203

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled
Docket: 2009CT002370
Bond remarks: 2009CT002370

Reason: Misdemeanor Viol Prob Misd Offense
Docket: 2009CT2370
Bond remarks: 2009CT2370

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive W/License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled
Docket: 2007CT14679
Bond remarks: 2007CT14679

Reason: Misdemeanor Drive While License Suspended Prior Conviction
Docket: 2010CT4087
Bond remarks: 2010CT4087

Reason: Misdemeanor Petit Theft 1st Degree
Docket: 2008MM0876
Bond remarks: 2008MM0876

Reason: Misdemeanor Resist Arrest Without Violence
Docket: 2008MM0717
Bond remarks: 2008MM0717

Reason: Felony Drive W/Suspended License Habitual (Felony)
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002605
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Felony Flee & Elude [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002959
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Contempt of Court
Docket: Pinellas
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: Pinellas
Bond number: 2007-00005733
Bond amount: $292

Reason: Felony Burg Occupied Dwelling
Docket: 2009CF339
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2009CF339
Bond number: 2009-00001832
Bond amount: $2,500

Reason: Battery Domestic Violence [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2009CF339
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond remarks: 2009CF339
Bond number: 2009-00001833
Bond amount: $1,000

Reason: Misdemeanor Assault/Domestic Violence
Docket: 2007MM1156
Bond remarks: 2007MM1156

Reason: Misdemeanor Resist Arrest Without Violence
Docket: 2007MM1156
Bond remarks: 2007MM1156

Reason: Felony 3rd Deg Grand Theft
Docket: 2007-1508
Bond remarks: 2007-1508

Reason: Misdemeanor Battery On Police Dog
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: No Info
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002592
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Felony Flee & Elude [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2012CF709
Bond type: No Info
Bond remarks: 2012CF709
Bond number: 2012-00002604
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Viol Prob Misd Offense
Docket: 2009CT2370
Bond remarks: 2009CT2370

Reason: Misdemeanor Fail To Appear Misd Offense
Docket: 2007CT14679
Bond remarks: 2007CT14679

Statute: 790.01(1)/M
Obts: 5206015933
Court case: CTC0728988MMANO
Charge number: 1
Agency report number: GP07002501

Statute: 901.04/F
Offense description: INDIAN RIVER # 20071508 GRAND THEFT
Obts: 5206015933
Court case: CRCAB64627CFANO
Charge number: 2
Bond assessed: $5,000
Bond amount: $5,000
Agency report number: GP07002501

Statute: 901.04/F
Offense description: INDIAN RIVER # 200714679 DWLSR
Obts: 5206015933
Court case: CRCAB64628CFANO
Charge number: 3
Bond assessed: $2,000
Bond amount: $2,000
Agency report number: GP07002501

Sentence length: 1Y 3M 0D
Discharge date: Jun 20, 2012
Offense date: May 25, 2012
Case number: 1200709


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.