Date of birth: | Jan 30, 1963 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Fine: | $ |
Eligible for release: | No |
Custody date: | Nov 18, 2014 |
Unit description: | 6645 West Mill Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53218-1238, (414)353-2030 |
Unit: | 3 18 |
Pin number: | 177511 |
Photo date: | Aug 24, 2012 |
Maximum discharge date: | Sep 21, 2032 |
Institution: | Sturtevant Transitional Facility |
Inmate status: | INCARCERATED |
Est parole eligibility date: | May 12, 2014 |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | pirate, grim reaper, barbwire, "?" |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | "sam jr candace", ribbon w/flowers |
Body part: | WRIST |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | dragon, spider web and spider, lightening bolt in cloud |
Body part: | ARM |
Booking number: | 00130032 |
Release date: | Nov 5, 2020 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Booking number: | 401323818 |
Booking location: | Milwaukee County, WI |
Severity: | F |
Description: | FELONY SAFEKEEPER |
Charge: | 53.31 |
Case: | 0-999999 |
Statute: | 943.10(1)(A) F, 946.41, 946.41(A), 946.42(2)(C) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | 2-368096* |
Statute: | 939.05, 940.23(1) F, 943.23(2) F, 943.32(1) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Convicted: | Aug 25, 1995 |
Case number: | 95CF01336 |
Statute: | 946.42(3)(A) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Convicted: | May 8, 1995 |
Case number: | 95CF01398 |
Statute: | 939.05(1), 941.29(2) F |
County: | WAUKESHA |
Convicted: | Aug 30, 1996 |
Case number: | 95CF643 |
Statute: | 943.01(1) M |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | K-1933 |
Statute: | 939.05, 943.10 F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | K-2827 |
Statute: | 943.10(1)(A) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | K-6606 |