Inmate name: | Brooks, Sarah |
Booking location: | Barry County, MO |
Charges: | Physically take Property from Victim, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Bond amount: | Trespass 1st Degree/Misd. B |
Bond amount: | Purchase/Attempt to Purchase Liquor by Minor/Misd. |
Charges: | Possession with Intent to Manufacture, Felony C |
Bond amount: | Capias Bond |
Charges: | Stealing a Motor Vehicle, Felony C |
Bond amount: | Capias Bond |
Charges: | Physically take Property from Victim, Felony C |
Bond amount: | $4,500 Cash/Surety |
Bond amount: | Trespass 1st Degree/ Misd. B |
Bond amount: | Possession of Liquor by a Minor/Misd. |