Inmate number: | 10349 |
Booking date: | Mar 27, 2004 |
Release date: | Mar 27, 2004 |
Booking location: | Rhea County, TN |
Booking date: | Aug 2, 2003 |
Release date: | Aug 3, 2003 |
Booking location: | Rhea County, TN |
Type: | 39-13-102 |
Sentence: | PAID P.D. FINE AND BOND |
Felony misd: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | AGGRAVATED ASSAULT- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |
Type: | 39-17-310 |
Sentence: | PAID P.D. FINE AND BOND |
Felony misd: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | PUBLIC INTOXICATION- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |
Type: | 39-17-310 |
Sentence: | PAID PD FINE 249.50 |
Felony misd: | Misdemeanor |
Charge description: | PUBLIC INTOXICATION- |
Bond amount: | : 0.0 |