Date of birth: | 1963 |
Hair: | Gray or partly grey |
Eyes: | Grn\grn |
Next court date: | Aug 15, 2016 |
Custody status: | Felony Pending Arraignment |
Booking number: | 2016-152335 |
Booking date: | Aug 14, 2016 |
Booking location: | Winnebago County, IL |
Description: | 720 ILCS 550.0/4-D POSS CANNABIS/30-500 GRAM/SUBQ |
Description: | 625 ILCS 5.0/11-501-A-2 DRVG UNDER INFLU OF ALCOHOL |
Description: | 625 ILCS 5.0/11-502-A TRANSP/CARRY ALC LIQ/DRIVER |
Description: | 625 ILCS 5.0/3-707 OPERATE UNINSURED MTR VEHICLE |
Description: | 625 ILCS 5.0/6-101 UNLICENSED |
Description: | 625 ILCS 5.0/12-602 MUFFLERS/1ST,2ND |