Date of birth: | 1994 |
Cell: | BRCMBFNA |
Booking number: | 15018855 |
Booking date: | May 30, 2015 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Booking number: | 15012873 |
Booking date: | Apr 13, 2015 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Booking number: | 12035457 |
Booking date: | Sep 26, 2012 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Court location: | TC1 - ORLANDO |
Court case: | 1532051 |
Charge: | Driving While License Suspended (dwls) |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 384 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CC1 - ORLANDO |
Court case: | 482015MM004013AO |
Charge: | Providing False Id To Law Enforcement Off. |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 385 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482012CF012599O |
Charge: | Aggravated Battery |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 145 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | Orlando Pd |
Court location: | CIRCUIT |
Court case: | 482012CF012599O |
Charge: | Criminal Mischief (>$200, |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 146 |
Bond amount: | $100 |
Agency: | Orlando Pd |
Court location: | CC1 - ORLANDO |
Charge: | Solicitation To Commit Prostitution |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 809 |
Bond amount: | $750 |
Agency: | Orange County Sheriff Office |