Shanarra Kay Sanders

Last Updated: February 6th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 9″ (1.75m)
150lbs (68kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Aug 17, 1989
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Responsible person: Time Served
Releasing officer: A453 - Wood, T.
Release status: Yes
Reason for being released: Time Served
Possibility phone calls: Yes
Occupations: House Cleaner
Language: English
Commissary number: 128310
Comments: Time Served
Case no: 2012-00000925
Supervision begin date: May 25, 2014
Scheduled termination date: May 24, 2016
Inmate status: ACTIVE
DC number: K82137
Current location: FT. PIERCE
Booking number: 2012-00001496
Booking date: Apr 6, 2012
Bond amount: $6,000
Arrest location: 13th Ave and 25th St Vero Beach, Fl
Arrest date: Apr 6, 2012
Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Booking location: Indian River County, FL
Released by: A253 - Norton, A.
Occupation: House Cleaner
Case number: 2009-00001673
Release date: Apr 4, 2012

Documented Aliases


Scars marks tattoos

Type: Scar ( Scar 1" - 3" )
Location: Eyebrow Nonspecific Scar

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Location: Ankle Nonspecific Tattoo
Description: Bubbles

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Jul 13, 2012
Arrest location: 1646 19th pl #3 VB,FL
Booking number: 2012-00002958
Booking date: Jul 13, 2012
Release date: Apr 11, 2013
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Apr 6, 2012
Arrest location: 13th Ave and 25th St Vero Beach, Fl
Booking number: 2012-00001496
Booking date: Apr 6, 2012
Release date: May 24, 2012
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Mar 31, 2012
Arrest location: 23rd Street and 17th Ave Vero Beach
Booking number: 2012-00001397
Booking date: Mar 31, 2012
Release date: Apr 4, 2012
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Mar 2, 2012
Arrest location: 1705 US1 Vero Beach
Booking number: 2012-00000915
Booking date: Mar 2, 2012
Release date: Mar 2, 2012
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jul 11, 2010
Arrest location: 433 7th Ln SW Vero Beach
Booking number: 2010-00003394
Booking date: Jul 11, 2010
Release reason: Transfer to Other Agency
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Vero Beach Police Department
Arrest date: Jun 17, 2009
Arrest location: 2296 US 1 Vero Beach
Booking number: 2009-00003164
Booking date: Jun 17, 2009
Release date: Jul 1, 2009
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Oct 29, 2008
Arrest location: 1707 16th Street
Booking number: 2008-00006078
Booking date: Oct 29, 2008
Release reason: Posted Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Recent Charges

Reason: Felony Poss Controlled Substance
Docket: 2012CF458
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2012CF458
Bond number: 2012-00001761
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Poss Drug Paraphernalia
Docket: 2012CF458
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2012CF458
Bond number: 2012-00001758
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Viol Prob Misd Offense
Docket: VOP2010MM0921
Bond remarks: VOP2010MM0921

Reason: Misdemeanor Viol Prob Misd Offense
Docket: VOP2010MM0030
Bond remarks: VOP2010MM0030

Reason: Felony Petit Theft [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2012CF1095B
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: 2012CF1095B
Bond number: 2012-00004473
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Trespass
Docket: RBB2012MM463
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: RBB2012MM463
Bond number: 2012-00001650
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Poss Drug Paraphernalia
Docket: 2012MM720
Bond type: Time Served
Bond remarks: 2012MM720
Bond number: 2012-00001639
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Felony Poss Controlled Substance
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2012-00001761
Bond amount: $5,000

Reason: Misdemeanor Poss Drug Paraphernalia
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2012-00001758
Bond amount: $1,000

Reason: Misdemeanor Contempt of Court
Docket: 2005CJ883
Bond type: ROR
Bond remarks: 2005CJ883
Bond number: 2012-00004000
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Trespass on School Property
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2008-00001185
Bond amount: $500

Reason: Felony Robbery Purse/Sudden Snatching
Docket: 2009CF775
Bond type: No Info
Bond remarks: 2009CF775
Bond number: 2009-00004259
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Petit Theft [ Bond Number ]
Docket: 2012MM1454B
Bond type: No Info
Bond remarks: 2012MM1454B
Bond number: 2012-00004001
Bond amount: $0

Reason: Misdemeanor Fail To Appear Misd Offense
Docket: St Lucie County
Bond remarks: St Lucie County

Reason: Misdemeanor Contempt of Court
Docket: 205CJ0883
Bond type: Charge Inactive
Bond remarks: 205CJ0883
Bond number: 2012-00001638
Bond amount: $0

Discharge date: Oct 11, 2013
Offense date: Jul 7, 2013
Community supervision length: 2Y 0M 0D
Case number: 1300853


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.