Date of birth: | Dec 11, 1971 |
Mni: | 710152 |
Oid number: | 210599 |
Inmate status: | Incarcerated |
Expiration date: | Oct 8, 2012 |
Case worker: | A. Cunningham (507) 334-0700 |
Anticipated release type: | Supervised Release Date |
Admit date: | Jul 21, 2011 |
Booking number: | 33427 |
Booking date: | Apr 5, 2016 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 27167 |
Booking date: | Aug 23, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 26014 |
Booking date: | May 11, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 25033 |
Booking date: | Jan 29, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 22194 |
Booking date: | Apr 16, 2013 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Release date: | Apr 9, 2012 |
Booking location: | Itasca County, MN |
Statute: | 609.52.2(a)(1) |
Status: | ROR'D |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse |
Statute: | 609.224.1(1) |
Status: | ROR'D |
Level: | M |
Description: | Assault-5th Degree-Fear of Bodily Harm or Dea |
Statute: | 609.52 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft |
Statute: | Theft. |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | M |
Description: | 609.52 |
Statute: | 609.506.1 |
Status: | DIS/NOT GUILTY |
Level: | M |
Description: | Providing false name to a police officer |
Statute: | 609.52.2(1) |
Status: | DIS/NOT GUILTY |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse |
Statute: | 609.224.1(1) |
Level: | M |
Description: | Assault-5th Degree-Fear of Bodily Harm or Dea |
Statute: | 609.52.2(1) |
Status: | ROR'D |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse |
Statute: | 609.52.2(1) |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse |
Statute: | 609.506.2 |
Level: | G |
Description: | Giving Peace Officer False Name-of Another Pe |
Statute: | 609.52.2(a)(1) |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Conse |
Statute: | 609.14 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Parole Violation |
Offense modifier: | NOT/APPL |
Offense description: | CON SUB 5-POSSESS-METHAM-UNK |
Minnesota statute s: | 152.025.2(b)(1) |
Court file number: | 31CR11928 |
Conviction county: | ITASCA |