Date of birth: | 1958 |
Special characteristics: | REGULAR |
Probation status: | INACTIVE |
Previous location: | GREENE CI |
Last movement date: | Sep 25, 1987 |
Inmate status: | INACTIVE |
Incarceration status: | INACTIVE |
Escapes: | N |
Custody classification: | MINIMUM 1 |
Current location: | UNKNOWN AT CONVERSION |
Control status: | REGULAR POPULATION |
Admitting location: | TRIANGLE CI |
Admission date: | Jan 28, 1987 |
Booking location: | Wayne County, NC |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 2: | PROBATION REVOCATION |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AH-001 |
Discharge date: | Jan 22, 1987 |
Release date: | Sep 25, 1987 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Sep 25, 1987 |
Offense qualifier: | ASSAULT ON FEMALE (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 2 YEARS |
Docket: | 86002724 |
Conviction date: | May 12, 1986 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AG-002 |
Discharge date: | May 22, 1985 |
Release date: | Jun 30, 1985 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Jun 30, 1985 |
Offense qualifier: | TRESPASS (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 95 DAYS |
Maximum term: | 95 DAYS |
Docket: | 85005050 |
Conviction date: | May 17, 1985 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AG-001 |
Discharge date: | May 17, 1985 |
Release date: | Jun 30, 1985 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Jun 30, 1985 |
Offense qualifier: | SHOPLIFTING (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 95 DAYS |
Maximum term: | 95 DAYS |
Docket: | 85005051 |
Conviction date: | May 17, 1985 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AF-002 |
Discharge date: | Jan 27, 1985 |
Release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Offense qualifier: | SHOPLIFTING (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 84015137 |
Conviction date: | Nov 7, 1984 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AF-001 |
Discharge date: | Nov 7, 1984 |
Release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Offense qualifier: | SHOPLIFTING (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 84014807 |
Conviction date: | Nov 7, 1984 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AE-001 |
Discharge date: | Mar 26, 1984 |
Release date: | Oct 23, 1984 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Dec 22, 1984 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 12 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 24 MONTHS |
Docket: | 84003959 |
Conviction date: | Mar 26, 1984 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AE-001 |
Discharge date: | Mar 26, 1984 |
Release date: | Oct 23, 1984 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Dec 22, 1984 |
Offense qualifier: | DRUNK & DISORDERLY (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 12 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 24 MONTHS |
Docket: | 00000000 |
Conviction date: | Mar 26, 1984 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AD-002 |
Discharge date: | Jul 7, 1983 |
Release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | TRESPASS (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 83006041 |
Conviction date: | Apr 25, 1983 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AD-001 |
Discharge date: | Apr 25, 1983 |
Release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | SHOPLIFTING (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 83006042 |
Conviction date: | Apr 25, 1983 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 3: | REGULAR PAROLE |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AC-001 |
Discharge date: | Mar 11, 1982 |
Release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 2 YEARS |
Maximum term: | 2 YEARS |
Docket: | 82000046 |
Conviction date: | Mar 11, 1982 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AB-001 |
Discharge date: | Nov 8, 1979 |
Release date: | Jan 20, 1981 |
Punishment type: | PRE-FAIR |
Projected release date: | Jan 19, 1981 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 2 YEARS |
Maximum term: | 2 YEARS |
Docket: | 79015898 |
Conviction date: | Nov 8, 1979 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | FELON |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | FELONS (PREFAIR) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AA-001 |
Discharge date: | Nov 17, 1977 |
Release date: | Nov 14, 1979 |
Punishment type: | PRE-FAIR |
Projected release date: | May 13, 1980 |
Offense qualifier: | COMMON LAW ROBBERY (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 4 YEARS |
Docket: | 77013828 |
Conviction date: | Nov 17, 1977 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AA-001 |
Discharge date: | Nov 17, 1977 |
Release date: | Nov 14, 1979 |
Punishment type: | PRE-FAIR |
Projected release date: | May 13, 1980 |
Offense qualifier: | RESISTING OFFICER (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 4 YEARS |
Docket: | 00000000 |
Conviction date: | Nov 17, 1977 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AH-002 |
Release date: | Sep 25, 1987 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Sep 25, 1987 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 7 MONTHS |
Docket: | 86005965 |
Conviction date: | Jan 22, 1987 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 3: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence type 2: | SUSPENDED SENTENCE |
Sentence type 1: | PROBATION |
Sentence number: | 04-001 |
Punishment type: | PRE-SS (FAIR) DCC |
Offense qualifier: | ASSAULT ON FEMALE (PRINCIPAL) |
Offense date: | Mar 2, 1986 |
Docket: | 86002724 |
Conviction date: | May 12, 1986 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | PROBATION/PAROLE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AF-003 |
Release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Apr 5, 1985 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 12 MONTHS |
Docket: | 84000322 |
Conviction date: | Nov 7, 1984 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 2: | PROBATION REVOCATION |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AE-002 |
Release date: | Oct 23, 1984 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Dec 22, 1984 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 83014050 |
Conviction date: | Nov 7, 1983 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 3: | COUNTY JAIL |
Sentence type 2: | SUSPENDED SENTENCE |
Sentence type 1: | PROBATION |
Sentence number: | 03-001 |
Punishment type: | PRE-SS (FAIR) DCC |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Offense date: | Sep 19, 1983 |
Docket: | 83014050 |
Conviction date: | Nov 7, 1983 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | PROBATION/PAROLE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AD-003 |
Release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Sep 3, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 83005359 |
Conviction date: | May 9, 1983 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 2: | PROBATION REVOCATION |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AC-002 |
Release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 5 MONTHS 5 DAYS |
Docket: | 81015575 |
Conviction date: | Dec 17, 1981 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentence type 2: | PROBATION REVOCATION |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AC-002 |
Release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | TRESPASS (PRINCIPAL) |
Maximum term: | 5 MONTHS 5 DAYS |
Docket: | 00000000 |
Conviction date: | Dec 17, 1981 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AC-003 |
Release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Punishment type: | FAIR MISDEMEAN |
Projected release date: | Mar 31, 1983 |
Offense qualifier: | SHOPLIFTING (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Maximum term: | 6 MONTHS |
Docket: | 82000047 |
Conviction date: | Mar 11, 1982 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | INMATE |
Type: | MISD. |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 3: | COUNTY JAIL |
Sentence type 2: | SPECIAL PROBATION (SPLIT) |
Sentence type 1: | PROBATION |
Sentence number: | 01-001 |
Punishment type: | PRE-SS (FAIR) DCC |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Offense date: | Nov 23, 1981 |
Docket: | 81015575 |
Conviction date: | Dec 17, 1981 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | PROBATION/PAROLE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Type: | MISD. |
Sentence type 3: | COUNTY JAIL |
Sentence type 2: | SPECIAL PROBATION (SPLIT) |
Sentence type 1: | PROBATION |
Sentence number: | 01-001 |
Punishment type: | PRE-SS (FAIR) DCC |
Offense qualifier: | TRESPASS - DWELLING (PRINCIPAL) |
Offense date: | Nov 23, 1981 |
Docket: | 81015674 |
Conviction date: | Dec 17, 1981 |
Conviction county: | WAYNE |
Commitment type: | PROBATION/PAROLE |
Type: | MISD. |
Service status: | EXPIRED |
Sentencing penalty class code: | MISD.(PRE-STRUCTURE) |
Sentence type 3: | PROBATION REVOCATION |
Sentence type 1: | DEPT OF CORR DIV OF PRISONS |
Sentence number: | AA-002 |
Release date: | Nov 14, 1979 |
Punishment type: | PRE-FAIR |
Projected release date: | May 13, 1980 |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (OVER $200) (PRINCIPAL) |
Minimum term: | 2 YEARS |
Docket: | 75010190 |
Conviction date: | Oct 22, 1975 |
Conviction county: | NASH |
Commitment type: | INMATE |