Stephen Joseph Twining

Last Updated: January 5th, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
235lbs (107kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1968
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Registration: 9953
Level: Level III
Commentaries: Comments According to official documents Twining plead guilty in Kittitas County Superior Court on 04/28/1987 to one count of Statutory Rape in the First Degree and one count of Attempted Indecent Liberties. He was sentenced to 68 months in prison for the Statutory Rape and 22.5 months in prison for the Attempted Indecent Liberties conviction. The Attempted Indecent Liberties conviction was the result of Twining attempting to sexually assault the unknown eight year old female victim. He followed the victim into a public library bathroom. The victim screamed and the sexual assault was interrupted when someone responded to the child's screams. The Statutory Rape conviction was the result of Twining sexually assaulting the known four year old male victim on five occasions. Twining would isolate the victim for the purpose of sexually assaulting him. On 12/22/1986 Twining plead guilty in Chelan County Superior Court to one count of Communication with a Minor For Immoral Purposes. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail. This conviction was the result of Twining sexually assaulting the unknown four year old female victim. The victim was riding a tricycle in a back yard of a home Twining was visiting when Twining approached her and sexually assaulted her. Twining plead guilty in Lewis County Superior Court Juvenile Division on 10/31/1985 to one count of Indecent Liberties. He was sentenced to 65 weeks in custody with the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration. This conviction was the result of Twining sexually assaulting the known eight year old female victim. Twining offered the victim candy for continued sexual contact. During this time Twining admitted to sexually assaulting four additional children, ages 3 to eight years old. He was not charged with any additional crimes as a result of those admissions. As a result of Twining's latest convictions in 1987 he was civilly committed as a Sexually Violent Predator on 04/28/1991. While civilly committed at the Special Commitment Center Twining successfully participated in sex offender treatment. On 04/20/1999 Twining was released per court order to a Less Restrictive Alternative placement. Since his release Twining has continued to successfully participate in community based sex offender treatment. As a result of Twining's continued progress in treatment he is permitted increasing opportunities to be in the community without direct supervision. Twining is on active supervision with the Washington State Department of Corrections, Marysville Field Office (360) 658-2150, and has the following conditions of supervision: DOC may arrest or cause the arrest of Twining when DOC has reason to believe he has violated any of the conditions of release ordered by the courts. His treatment provider and his Community Corrections Officer shall previously approve his employment or educational opportunities. Mr Twining shall not enter any public washroom or other rest facility that has not been checked for the presence of minors and is found by an approved monitoring adult to be free of minors immediately prior to entering the facility. Mr. Twining shall not become involved in a romantic relationship with another person without written approval of his Corrections officer and treatment provider. Must be accompanied and monitored by an approved monitoring adult who will monitor and maintain close proximity to Twining. However, may be permitted to be out of eyesight of the monitoring adult for limited periods of time. Mr. Twining may have out-of-sight privileges at his residence for up to two hours at a time. Future modifications in out-of-sight privileges at his residence,and the community including expanding the time during which he may be out-of-sight may be approved without a court order. Shall Twining abscond from his supervision, any police officer is authorized to immediately arrest him and detain him at the Special Commitment Center. Shall be able to drive a motor vehicle. Use of a motor vehicle will follow written protocols of his Community Corrections Officer and his Treatment providier. Shall have no contact with his victims or their families. Shall have no contact with minors less than 18 years of age. Shall not frequent establishments or meeting of organizations, which cater to minors (under 18 years of age). Shall not leave the state of Washington except for activities approved in writing. Shall not possess a police scanner or other short-wave device. Shall not purchase, possess or view any pornographic materials. Shall not use or have access to the Internet or any computer modem or communications software unless approved by his Community Corrections Officer and Treatment Provider. Shall not use or possess a firearm or ammunition or other deadly weapon, but is allowed to possess the tools used in creating fishing fliers as approved by his Community Corrections Officer and Treatment Provider Shall not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances without a valid, written prescription from a licensed physician. Shall obey all laws. Shall participate in Sexual Deviancy Treatment. Shall submit to polygraph testing as required. Shall submit to searches of his person, computer, residence and property at the directions of his supervising Community Corrections Officer to ensure compliance with his conditions. The supervising Community Corrections Officer and his treatment provider shall have the authority to approve excursions for Mr. Twining outside the Stanwood area. Mr. Twining shall be accompanied on any such excursions by an approved Monitoring adult except as authorized in writing.

Known addresses

Stanwood, WA 98292

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.070 - Statutory Rape in the first degree
Date convicted: Apr 28, 1987
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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