Steven Thomas Bunch

Last Updated: January 8th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
190lbs (86kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 2, 1986
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: RAMOS, ROBALDO 0515 (AR- 2505) DID UNLAWFULLY ENTER OR REMAIN IN A CERTAIN STRUCTURE OR CURTILAGE THEREOF, TO-WIT: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, LOCATED AT 3736 EAST DAWSON DRIVE IN INVERNESS, IN THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, THE PROPERTY OF VICTIM, MR DONALD EDWARD TITUS, WITHOUT SAID PERSON'S CONSENT, WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT AN OFFENSE THEREIN, TO-WIT: STEAL JEWELRY, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONICS, CLOTHES, AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FROM THE OWNER, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTE 810.02(3)(B). DID UNLAWFULLY AND KNOWINGLY OBTAIN, USE OR ENDEAVOR TO OBTAIN OR USE THE PROPERTY OF THE VICTIM, TO-WIT: JEWELRY, PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONICS, CLOTHES, AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, OF THE VALUE OF $100.00 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $5,000.00, WITH THE INTENT TO EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY DEPRIVE THE VICTIM OF A RIGHT TO THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFIT THEREOF, OR DID APPROPRIATE THE SAID PROPERTY TO HIS OWN USE OR THE USE OF ANY PERSON NOT ENTITLED THERETO, AND THE PROPERTY WAS TAKEN FROM A DWELLING OR FROM THE UNENCLOSED CURTILAGE OF A DWELLING, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTES 812.014(2)(C)(1). DID UNLAWFULLY, WILLFULLY AND MALICIOUSLY INJURE OR DAMAGE CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THE VICTIM, MR DONALD EDWARD TITUS, TO-WIT: SIDE DOOR TO THE RESIDENCE AND REAR SLIDING GLASS DOOR, SAID DAMAGE BEING OF A VALUE OF $200.00 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $1,000.00, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTES 806.13(1)(B)(2). DID UNLAWFULLY HAVE IN HIS ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION WITH THE INTENT TO USE, OR DID UNLAWFULLY USE, AN OBJECT INTENDED OR DESIGNED FOR USE IN STORING, CONCEALING OR INJECTING, INGESTING, INHALING OR OTHERWISE INTRODUCING INTO THE HUMAN BODY, A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: SMALL METAL PIPE TO SMOKE MARIJUANA, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTES 893.14(1). On 082712, I was dispatched to Wal-Mart located at 2461 e gulf to Lake HIGHWAY in reference to a possible baker act. Upon arrival, I made contact with THE DEFENDANT, MR Steven BUNCH THAT was on the TELEPHONE, holding on to black carry on luggage and crying. I asked Mr. Bunch, who is known by me, what was going on. MR BUNCH advised that he does nOt know why his girlfriend did nO tell him about “Facebook AND how to read minds and about the hand signals”. I Asked HIM, when was the last time THAT he did any drugs, and he advised “last night” and that he did “triple C’s”. I asked him what was “triples C’s” and he stated THAT IT WAS when you take CorIcidin cough, cold and congestion medicine. I then ask if he would mind if I checkED his bag, and he stated “no go ahead”. I than placed the bag on the hood of my patrol VEHICLE and opened it. Once I opened it, I noticed loose change, a few cameras, a game boy system, a gold coin for a veteran, and a wooden jewelry box with a glass top. Once I looked at the name tag that was on the luggage, it had THE name “Angela Titus” and an address “3736 e Dawson DRIVE”. I THEN advised Deputy Moore of my findingS, at which time, he advised that there was a burglary that occurred earlier on that street and that the crime scene techNICIAN might STILL BE ON scene. I then contacted Ms LeaHY (0203) via telephone, AND She adviseD THAT she did process the scene and that the suspect had cut himself going in to the residence. Mr Bunch was then DETAINED, A pat down of his person was conducted. a veteran money clip, a lot of loose change, and a small metal pipe which had a strong odor of marijuana, WERE ALL LOCATED in his front right pocket. I then checked for his IDENTIFICATION in his wallet and found a Wachovia Debit card with the name of “Donald Titus”. Deputy Moore then made contact with the victimS at their residence who wERE able to describe some of the property that was in the luggage. Deputy Moore then responded back to my location, at which time, I read THE DEFENDANT Miranda VIA PRE-PRINTED CARD. HE STATED that HE UNDERSTOOD AND waved his rights and STATED THAT HE was willing to SPEAK WITH us. I asked him where did he get the luggage and all the things in it, and he replied FROM a house on Dawson. I asked THE DEFENDANT IF HE KNOWS the people at the RESIDENCE on Dawson and he stated no, “I was drawn to the house from the music I hear it was like it was calling me”. I asked was he invited in to the house by anyone and he stated no. I asked how he got in the RESIDENCE, AND HE stated he got in thrEw the side door. I then asked once inside what did he do, he stated when he was inside the residence he grabbed a bb gun that was by the front door and when he grabbed it, it went off. I asked him did he cut himself, and he stated “yeah on my right hand by my thumb”. DEPUTY MOORE TRANSPORTED MR BUNCH TO THE CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FOR BOOKING AND PROCESSING, THE LUGGAGE AND THE PROPERTY INSIDE WAS RETURNED BACK to the VICTIM, INCLUDING THE OTHER ITEMS IN DEFENDANT’S POSSESSION, TO INCLUDE the MONEY CLIP, AND THE BANK CARD. A PROPERTY RECEIPT WAS COMPLETED AND TURNED INTO CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE RECORDS DEPARTMENT. THE SMALL METAL PIPE WAS TURNED IN TO THE CITRUS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE EVIDENCE DIVISION. Mr. Bunch was arrested for burglary, grand theft, criminal mischief and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond for burglary was set at $5000.00, grand theft set at $2000.00, criminal mischief set at $500.00, and possession of drug paraphernalia WAS set at $500.00 at A total of $8000.00.
Initial receipt date: Dec 19, 2012
DC number: U27872
Current custody: COMMUNITY
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Florida 34450

Scars marks tattoos

Location: BACK
Description: TRIBAL

Location: LEFT ARM
Description: HEART STAR

Location: LEFT CHEST
Description: FAMILY

Location: LEFT HAND
Description: 5FDP

Location: NECK

Description: FAITH

Location: RIGHT HAND
Description: 8 SWB

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 2791
Arrest date: Sep 17, 2012
Arrest type: Warrant/Capias
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest number: 2505
Arrest date: Aug 27, 2012
Arrest type: Felony
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Mar 4, 2011
Booking number: 11119613
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Feb 6, 2011
Booking number: 11119202
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Oct 8, 2008
Booking number: 08105643
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Release date: Aug 22, 2014
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Sentence length: 2Y 1M 0D
Discharge date: Dec 13, 2012
Offense date: Aug 27, 2012
County: CITRUS
Case number: 1200901

Sentence length: 2Y 1M 0D
Discharge date: Dec 13, 2012
Offense date: Aug 27, 2012
Offense: GRAND THEFT,300 L/5,000
County: CITRUS
Case number: 1200901

Code: 806.13(1)(B)(2)
Charge description: Criminal Mischief ($200 or more but less than $1000)
Bond amount: $500

Code: 812.014(2)(C)(1)
Charge description: Grand theft ($300 or more but less than $5,000)
Bond amount: $2,000

Code: 893.147(1)
Charge description: Drug Paraphernalia - To Inject/Ingest/Inhale/Introduce
Bond amount: $500

Code: 810.02(3)(B)
Charge description: Burglary - Residence - Unoccupied
Bond amount: $5,000

Code: 812.015(8)(A)
Charge description: THEFT RETAIL/PETIT
Bond amount: $250

Code: 810.02(3)(C)
Bond amount: $5,000

Code: 316.193(4)
Charge description: DUI 1ST OFF B/A LEVEL 0.15 OR MORE OR WITH PERSON UNDER 18
Bond amount: $500

Code: 948.06 M
Charge description: Violation of Probation or Community Control (Misdemeanor)


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.