Date of birth: | Jan 20, 1977 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Zipcode: | 33068 |
Inmate number: | 130893 |
First middle last: | SUNIL JAGPAL |
Detainer: | YES |
Citizen: | Y |
Arresting agency: | CLERMONT P.D. |
Arrest date: | Dec 14, 2016 |
Arrest location: | CLERMONT FL |
Arrest officer: | 156 |
Booking number: | 16008340 |
Booking officer: | 1715 |
Booking location: | Lake County, FL |
Offense type tf: | Next Court Date 01/09/2017 08:30 |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Agency CFS 16 CF 3109 |
Doc type pc: | Court Room ARRAIG |
Statute 316 193 2b3: | Statute 316.1939 |
Offense type tf: | Offense Type FM |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Offense SUB REFUSAL TO PROVIDE BREATH SAMPLE |
Doc type pc: | DOC Type PC |
Bondtype cs: | BondType CS |
Bondstatus open: | BondStatus Open |
Bond 10000: | Bond $500 |
Statute 316 193 2b3: | Statute 322.34-10a |
Offense type tf: | Offense Type SM |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Offense DRIVING WHILE LICENSE REVOKED (4 OR MORE) |
Doc type pc: | DOC Type PC |
Bondtype cs: | BondType CS |
Bondstatus open: | BondStatus Open |
Bond 10000: | Bond $10000 |
Statute 316 193 2b3: | Statute 322.212-1a |
Offense type tf: | Offense Type TF |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Offense POSSESSION OF FRAUDULENT DL |
Doc type pc: | DOC Type PC |
Bondtype cs: | BondType CS |
Bondstatus open: | BondStatus Open |
Bond 10000: | Bond $2000 |
Statute 316 193 2b3: | Statute 322.212-5a |
Offense type tf: | Offense Type TF |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Offense FALSE APPLICATION FOR DL |
Doc type pc: | DOC Type PC |
Bondtype cs: | BondType CS |
Bondstatus open: | BondStatus Open |
Bond 10000: | Bond $2000 |
Statute 316 193 2b3: | Statute 843.03 |
Offense type tf: | Offense Type FM |
Offense dui 6th offense: | Offense OBSTRUCTION BY DISGUISTED PERSON |
Doc type pc: | DOC Type PC |
Bondtype cs: | BondType CS |
Bondstatus open: | BondStatus Open |
Bond 10000: | Bond $1000 |
Amount: | $25,500 |