Date of birth: | 1975 |
Master id no: | 136266 |
Arresting agency: | ALS |
Arrest date: | Mar 11, 2013 |
Booking location: | Linn County, OR |
Security: | $ 6,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 1 UN POSS METH |
Security: | $ 3,000 |
Court: | CC-AL |
Charges: | 2 FAL INF/POLICE |
Security: | $ 2,620 |
Docket: | 47184 |
Court: | MC-AL |
Charges: | 3 FTA - BENCH WARRANT |
Security: | $ 5,000 |
Court: | HOLD |
Charges: | 4 CONTEMPT OF COURT |
Security: | $ 10,000 |
Docket: | F12-476 |
Court: | HOLD |
Charges: | 5 HOLD/OUT-STATE |