Date of birth: | Aug 8, 1974 |
Pin: | 457790 |
Photo date: | Mar 18, 2009 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
Region unit: | 6 03 |
Region description: | 420 Commerce Loop; Eagle River, WI 54521; (715)479-8105 |
Doc: | 00425841 |
Booking number: | 425841 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Booking location: | Vilas County, WI |
Statute: | 939.05, 948.21(1) M |
County: | BROWN |
Convicted: | Mar 12, 2002 |
Case number: | 01CM01936 |
Statute: | 346.63(1)(A) M |
County: | ONEIDA |
Convicted: | May 15, 2007 |
Case number: | 06CT00180 |
Statute: | 939.05 , 948.21(1) M |
Description: | Sylana Mendez was found guilty of Neglecting a Child, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 948.21(1). |
County: | BROWN |
Convicted: | Mar 12, 2002 |
Case number: | 01CM01936 |
Statute: | 346.63(1)(A) M |
Description: | Sylana "nmi" Mendez was found guilty of Operating While under Influence (4th), an unclassified misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 346.63(1)(a). |
County: | ONEIDA |
Convicted: | May 15, 2007 |
Case number: | 06CT00180 |