Report number: | 140006211 |
Booking name: | CUNNINGHAM,TAYLOR |
Arrest location: | 641 STONEWALL DR |
Booking number: | 1402168 |
Booking location: | Texas |
Warrant: | K040042401 |
Charge literal: | NO OPERATORS LICENSE |
Charge: | 000101 |
Bond amount: | $319.10 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K040042402 |
Charge literal: | FMFR #1 |
Charge: | 003168 |
Bond amount: | $450 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 00066483802 |
Charge literal: | APD/FMFR |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $481 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 00066483803 |
Charge literal: | APD/NO VALID DL |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $331 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 00825926202 |
Charge literal: | APD/FMFR |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $481 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 6001053801 |
Charge literal: | APD/VIOLATION OF CON |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $376 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 00825926201 |
Charge literal: | APD/NO VALID DL |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $331 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 6001054401 |
Charge literal: | APD/VIOLATION OF CON |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $376 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | 6001056301 |
Charge literal: | APD/VIOLATION OF CON |
Charge: | O/C |
Bond amount: | $376 |
Agency: | GPPD |