Terry Wayne Brown

Last Updated: November 11th, 2024
Jail Location
South Carolina
Black Male
5′ 6″ (1.68m)
165lbs (75kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Dec 7, 1959
Hair: Black, Brown
Eyes: Brown, Hazel
Inmate number: 590178
SO#: 46259
Booking number: 13-02953
Arresting agency: Elgin Police Department
Booking date: Oct 18, 2013
Release date: Oct 19, 2013

Documented Aliases

Terry W Brown
Terry Wayne Brown

Known addresses

Bastrop Tx, TX 78602
Bastrop, TX 78602

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Bastrop Police Department
Booking number: 14-02258
Booking date: Sep 8, 2014
Release date: Sep 10, 2014
Jail name: Bastrop County,TX Sheriff's Office
Location: 200 Jackson St, Bastrop, TX 78602

Arresting agency: Elgin Police Department
Booking number: 13-02953
Booking date: Oct 18, 2013
Release date: Oct 19, 2013
Booking location: Bastrop County, TX

Arresting agency: Bastrop County Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 12-00401
Booking date: Feb 6, 2012
Release date: Feb 24, 2012
Booking location: Bastrop County, TX

Arresting agency: Department of Public Safety
Booking number: 11-03268
Booking date: Nov 16, 2011
Release date: Nov 17, 2011
Booking location: Bastrop County, TX

Booking location: Richland County, SC

Jail name: Bastrop County,TX Sheriff's Office
Location: 200 Jackson St, Bastrop, TX 78602

Recent Charges

Warrant id: J2-33519
Charge: Tran Code-521.021-License Required
Issuing auth: JP2
Offense date: Aug 15, 2013
Fine or court cost: $394.50
Charge desposition: COURT ORDERED RELEASE

Warrant: 402072-3
Offense date: Feb 6, 2012
Issuing authority: JP4
Bond type: $5,000 Surety Bond

Warrant: 402072-4
Offense date: Feb 6, 2012
Issuing authority: JP4
Bond type: $5,000 Surety Bond

Warrant: 402072-5
Offense date: Feb 6, 2012
Issuing authority: JP4
Charge: POSS CS PG 1
Bond type: $10,000 Surety Bond

Warrant: 11-3808J4
Offense date: Nov 16, 2011
Issuing authority: JP4
Fine or court cost: $575
Charge: Health and Safety Code-481.125-Possession or Delivery of Drug Paraphernalia

Warrant: 11-3809J4
Offense date: Nov 16, 2011
Issuing authority: JP4
Fine or court cost: $340
Charge: Tran Code-521.021-License Required

Warrant code: M987208
Offensedescription: Assault / Assault & Battery 3rd degree Offense Statutes(s) 16-03-0600(E)(1)
Bondcourt: COUNTY
Bond type: CB
Bond amount: $2,130

Warrant: 410193-1M
Issuing authority: JP4
Charge: THEFT PROP>=$50
Bond type: $2,500 Surety Bond

Warrant id: 410193-1M
Charge: THEFT PROP>=$50<$500
Issuing auth: JP4
Bond type: $2,500 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 20132199AW
Charge: Expired Motor Vehicle Inspection
Issuing auth: MUNB
Fine or court cost: $352
Charge desposition: FINE PAID

Warrant id: 20132200AW
Charge: Display Expired License Plates (Reg)
Issuing auth: MUNB
Fine or court cost: $139
Charge desposition: TIME SERVED

Warrant id: 20132201AW
Charge: No Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance
Issuing auth: MUNB
Fine or court cost: $319
Charge desposition: FINE PAID

Warrant id: 20132202AW
Charge: No Driver License
Issuing auth: MUNB
Fine or court cost: $319
Charge desposition: FINE PAID

Warrant id: 20132208AW
Charge: No Driver Liense
Issuing auth: MUNB
Bond type: $500 - Cash or Surety Bond
Fine or court cost: $319
Charge desposition: FINE PAID


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.