Date of birth: | May 3, 1986 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Supervised furlough eligibility: | Not Eligible |
Sid: | SC01635572 |
Sentence start date: | May 21, 2012 |
Sentence length: | 3 years |
Scdc id: | 00345597 |
Projected parole eligibility: | 01/13/2014 |
Offense: | Burglary-2nd Degree |
Offender type: | Adult-straight Sentence |
Complexion: | Dark Brown |
Committing county: | Richland |
Citizen: | Citizen - Native Born |
Build: | Medium |
Admission date: | Oct 23, 2012 |
Release date: | Jan 28, 2014 |
Booking location: | Richland County, SC |
Booking location: | Richland County, SC |
Warrant code: | 76012EZBW |
Offensedescription: | Traffic / Driving without a license - 1st offense |
Bond type: | CB |
Bond amount: | $244.63 |
Warrant code: | M987399 |
Offensedescription: | Burglary / Burglary (Non - Violent) (After June 20, 1985) - Second degree |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $75,000 |
Warrant code: | M987400 |
Offensedescription: | Larceny / Petit or Simple Larceny |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $2,130 |
Warrant code: | I926564 |
Offensedescription: | Burglary / Burglary (Non - Violent) (After June 20, 1985) - Second degree |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $20,000 |
Warrant code: | I926565 |
Offensedescription: | Larceny / Grand Larceny, value $10,000 or more |
Bondcourt: | COUNTY |
Bond type: | SB |
Warrant code: | K651616 |
Offensedescription: | Vehicle / Damaging or tampering with a vehicle |
Bondcourt: | CITY |
Warrant code: | K651617 |
Offensedescription: | * City Level - Resisting arrest |
Bondcourt: | CITY |
Warrant code: | K651618 |
Offensedescription: | * City Level - Fail to stop on police command |
Bondcourt: | CITY |
Warrant code: | K651619 |
Offensedescription: | Report / Giving false information to law enforcement, fire dept. or rescue dept. |
Bondcourt: | CITY |