Date of birth: | 1977 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Registration: | 98-3472 |
Alert: | Non-Compliant Active Warrant |
Booked at: | EL PASO |
Description: | Tattoo on (YING YANG) |
Description: | Tattoo on (TAYLOR) |
Description: | Tattoo on (LC) |
Description: | Tattoo on (DRAGON AND LIGHTENING LA) |
Description: | Tattoo on (OTHERS) |
Arresting agency: | El Paso Sheriff's Office |
Booking location: | El Paso County, CO |
Booking number: | 1300015613 |
Booking location: | El Paso County, CO |
Booking location: | El Paso County, CO |
Degree: | F5 |
Court div: | D09 |
Court date: | Sep 26, 2013 |
Court case: | 96CR2364 |
Bond type: | NOBOND |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Statute: | 18-6-301 |
Description: | Attempted Incest |
Conviction date: | Aug 30, 1996 |