Thomas Marc Grantham

Last Updated: January 26th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jun 11, 1964
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: REID, THOMAS N654 (AR16-19656) On 5/29/2016 at approximately 21:50 hrs. Lt John Jones and I Officer Thomas Reid of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were on water patrol on Homosassa River, Citrus County, In the area of McCrae’s Marina. While operating west on the Homosassa River I observed a vessel traveling east towards our direction. I observed that the one of the vessels navigational lights (the green starboard light) was inoperable. Lt. Jones activated the emergency blue lights signaling the vessel to stop. By use of a flashlight I identified the operator as being a male with facial hair, wearing a long sleeve white shirt. The operator (Thomas Mark Grantham) was standing behind the helm of the vessel with his left hand on the steering wheel and right hand on the rail above the console. It should be noted that the water conditions were flat calm with a light westerly wind. We approached the vessel to determine the operating condition of the navigation lights as well as a vessel safety inspection. I asked Grantham if he could show me five PFD’s, a throwable flotation device, a sound producing device as well as a fire extinguisher. One of the vessel passengers pulled out the PFD’s from a bow located storage compartment. Grantham then pulled an orange tube out from under the console. While attempting to open the orange tube Grantham was unsuccessful and had to make an additional attempt. Grantham then handed me a signaling flair contrary to what had been requested. At this point I had suspicion that Grantham was operating his vessel while impaired and asked him if he would mind getting aboard my vessel. Once aboard I explained to Grantham that I would be conducting a series of task to determine his ability to safely operate his vessel. The following task were completed. The task directions were read from a prepared text and each task was demonstrated. TASK ONE: Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: While performing the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Grantham was not able keep his head in a fixed position while following the stimulus, wavering approximately two inches from left to right. He also had lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes as well very noticeable distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation. TASK TWO: Finger To Nose: While performing the finger to nose task Grantham would search in an attempt to find the tip of his nose but was unsuccessful and would touch the nostril area instead. This was consistent in all six attempts. Task Three: Palm Pat: While explaining the portion of the palm pat task I was demonstrating the placement of hands with one hand up and one hand down in a horizontal fashion. Grantham then attempted by putting his hands together but was holding them vertically contrary to the instruction that he had been given. I reiterated the proper placement of his hands and asked Grantham if he understood, to which he replied yes. I then advised Grantham to begin. Grantham immediately shifted his hands and preformed the entirety of the task with his hands cross instead of palm to palm. Task Four: Hand Coordination: While performing the Hand Coordination task Grantham was unable to follow the portion of the directions that required him to clap three times before counting hand over hand back to his chest. He was also unable to go fist over fist for the entirety of the task as directed. Task Five: Walk and Turn: While performing the Walk and Turn Grantham was unable touch heel to toe on five occasions, with approximately a four inch gap between heel and toe on step five to six should also be noted that Grantham duck walked the entirety of the task. Task Six: One Leg Stand: While performing the One Leg Stand Grantham was unable to maintain a constant visual on his elevated foot as instructed. Grantham touched his elevated foot to the ground on four occasions once at four, twice at five and once again at ten seconds. * It should be noted that all land based sobriety task were performed at McCray’s Marina In an area with smooth concrete pavement that was well lit. At the conclusion of the field sobriety task I informed Grantham that I had probable cause to believe that he was operating a vessel while impaired. At this point I advised Grantham that he was under arrest, He was then placed in handcuffs and double locked. Grantham was transported to Citrus County Jail by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. Upon arrival at the jail Grantham was read his implied consent and asked for a lawful test of his breath to determine alcohol content, of which he refused. Grantham was issued a citation for navigation lights not operational (V469221.) as well as a misdemeanor Citation for Fs.327.35(1)(a) operating a vessel while impaired (V469222.) with a Citrus County Court date of 6-16-2016 at 1300 hrs. TYPED BY FWC THOMAS REID, n654.

Known addresses

235 Veranda Dr, Florida 33809

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 19656
Arrest date: May 29, 2016
Arrest type: Misdemeanor
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 327.35(1)(A)
Charge description: Boat Under Influence 1st Offense - Alcoholic Bev/Controlled Sub
Bond amount: $500


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