Date of birth: | Sep 15, 1969 |
Hair: | Blond or strawberry |
Eyes: | Blue |
Targets: | Females ages 3 - 6 years of age. |
Supervised by: | MULTNOMAH COUNTY GRESHAM, 503-988-3802 |
Methods of offending: | Finds victims through family relationships. |
Conditions restrictions: | No possessession or use intoxicating beverages. Consent to search and seizure, no contact with minors, not to frequent places where minors are likely to congregate, ie. parks, arcades, fast food restaurants, school areas, etc. No possession of sexually explicit visual or auditory materials. |
Mark: | Scar, Ankle, left |
Mark: | Scar, Eyebrow, left,left eye area |
Description: | JUST TO THE LEFT |
Mark: | Scar, Hand, left |
Description: | JUST UNDER PINKY |
Mark: | Scar, Ankle, right |
Mark: | Scar, Wrist, right |
Mark: | Tattoo, Arm, right |
Description: | BARBWIRE |
Booking location: | Marion County, OR |
Offense name: | SEX ABUSE 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | Apr 9, 1992 |