Date of birth: | 1987 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Swis id: | 770779 |
Inmate status: | Released |
Facility: | PERM |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Arrest date: | Jan 29, 2013 |
Booking date: | Jan 29, 2013 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, East Precinct |
Booking date: | Feb 15, 2016 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, East Precinct |
Booking date: | Jan 25, 2015 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Booking date: | Dec 18, 2013 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Booking date: | Apr 23, 2016 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Status: | Disposed |
Charge: | DEL OF OXYCODONE (B Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Disposed |
Charge: | POSS OXYCODONE (C Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Released |
Da case no: | 2262691 |
Court case: | 130130466 |
Charge: | POSS OXYCODONE (C Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | PAROLE OR PPSV VIOL (U Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Released |
Da case no: | 2312890 |
Court case: | 15CR03197 |
Charge: | THEFT III (C Misdemeanor) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | THEFT III (C Misdemeanor) |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | COUNTY HOLD (U Unknown) |
Bond amount: | $20,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Court case: | 130130466 |
Charge: | POSS OXYCODONE (C Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |