Date of birth: | Mar 3, 1981 |
Eyes: | Hazel |
SO#: | 180997 |
Arresting agency: | Allen Police Department |
Booking number: | LEG0000313725 |
Booking date: | Apr 10, 2004 |
Release date: | May 13, 2004 |
Jail name: | Collin County Detention Facility |
Location: | 4300 Community Ave, McKinney, TX 75071 |
Warrant id: | Local Warrant |
Charge: | POSS MARIJ < 2OZ |
Offense date: | Apr 10, 2004 |
Bond type: | $500 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | Local Warrant |
Charge: | Fail to Identify Giving False/Ficitious Info |
Offense date: | Apr 10, 2004 |
Bond type: | $500 - Any bond |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |
Warrant id: | F0334502P |
Charge: | Fail to Register as Sex Offender FS 97 |
Issuing auth: | DALLAS CO SO |
Charge desposition: | Other (See Release Comments) |