Tina Michelle Decker

Last Updated: February 10th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 6″ (1.68m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Mar 21, 1973
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Dlm: 1210234
Odoc: 265279

Documented Aliases

Tina M Birdsong
Tina M Birosong
Tina M Decker
Tina Williamson

Known addresses


Scars marks tattoos

Description: CONV: S-R LWRARM


Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Oct 23, 2016
Arrest officer: BROK / BUCHANAN
Assigned cell: F20-OO-2
Booking number: 20161024014
Booking date: Oct 24, 2016
Booking location: Tulsa County, OK

Booking location: Tulsa County, OK

Booking date: Dec 5, 2011
Release date: Dec 7, 2011
Booking location: Creek County, OK

Booking date: Apr 23, 2012
Release date: Apr 25, 2012
Booking location: Creek County, OK

Booking date: Sep 12, 2011
Release date: Sep 22, 2011
Booking location: Creek County, OK

Recent Charges

Description: COURT COST
Court date: Oct 24, 2016
Case number: TR-11-1752
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $571.50

Description: COURT COST
Court date: Oct 24, 2016
Case number: CF-12-3344
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $1,046

Description: COURT COST
Court date: Oct 24, 2016
Case number: CF-11-600
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $3,054.71

Description: COURT COST
Court date: Oct 24, 2016
Case number: CF-96-5875
Bond type: Cash Only
Bond amount: $1,144.19

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 4Y 0M 0D
Start: Jun 23, 1998
Offense: Unlawful Poss Of Controlled Drug W/Int To Distr/Felony
End: 01/11/2000
Crf: 96-5875
County: TULS
Conviction: Feb 24, 1998

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 5Y 0M 0D
Start: Aug 2, 1999
Offense: Uttering A Forged Inst
End: 11/05/2001
Crf: 97-364
County: CREE
Conviction: Nov 17, 1998

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 3Y 0M 0D
Start: Nov 8, 2011
Offense: Poss Cds W/Intent To Distribute Afcf -Rss
End: 05/16/2014
Crf: 2009-73
County: CREEB
Conviction: Oct 12, 2011

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 4Y
Start: Dec 13, 2011
Offense: False Personation
End: 09/23/2015
Crf: 2011-600
County: TULS
Conviction: Dec 13, 2011

Term code: Parole
Term: 2.16 Y
Start: Jun 23, 1998
Offense: Poss Cd W/Int
End: 08/19/2000
Crf: 1996-5875
County: TULS

Term code: Parole
Term: 4.82 Y
Start: Jun 23, 1998
Offense: Uttering Forged Instruments
End: 04/18/2003
Crf: 1997-364
County: CREES

Term code: SUSPENDED
Term: 5 Y
Start: Jul 30, 2010
Offense: Dist Of Cds/Poss W/Intent
End: 07/29/2015
Crf: 2009-73
County: CREEB

Term code: Pre-Release Sup
Start: Apr 1, 2010
Offense: Dist Of Cds/Poss W/Intent
Crf: CF-2009-73
County: CREE

Description: 1). HERE ON WRIT


Description: 1). MATERIAL WITNESS///BOND REDUCED TO $5000.00 PER JUDGE GAMBIL...THIS INMATE IS TO BE TOOK TO COURT HOUSE TO BE ARRAIGNED BY GAMBIL IN PERSON.....204...09-13-2011 1730 HRS -Subject clear of all Osage Charges - Awaiting transport to Creek Co. S.Schramko 9/16/11 @ 16:00

Description: 2). Material Witness Warrant issued 9-13-2011///////THIS CASE DISMISSED PER JUDGE GAMBIL AND TRANSFERRED TO CF-11-9......204...09-14-2011


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.