Arresting agency: | Unlisted |
Booking date: | Aug 6, 2016 |
Booking location: | Berkeley County, SC |
Charge: | 00-00-0000 ~ 9000 ~ Municipal / Violation of City Ordinance (ASSAULTING OR RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICIALOR POLICE OFFICER) 1589 |
Bond amount: | $1,087.50 |
Charge: | 44-53-0370(b)(3) ~ 189 ~ Drugs / Manuf., poss. of Sch. IV drugs, except flunitrazepam, with intent to distribute - 1st 783 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Charge: | 56-05-1520(G)(2) ~ 2101 ~ Traffic / Speeding, more than 10 but less than 15 mph over the speed limit 2355 |
Bond amount: | $133.70 |
Charge: | 16-09-0320(B) ~ 256 ~ Resisting / Assault, beat, or wound police officer serving process or while resisting arrest 1863 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |