Date of birth: | Sep 19, 1962 |
Mni: | 112228 |
Booking number: | 28468 |
Booking date: | Dec 31, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 27264 |
Booking date: | Aug 29, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Statute: | 169A.20.1(5) |
Status: | BOND/BAIL SET |
Level: | G |
Description: | Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcoh |
Statute: | 169A.20.2 |
Status: | BOND/BAIL SET |
Level: | G |
Description: | 2nd Degree Refuse to Submit to Chemical |
Statute: | 169A.20.1(1) |
Status: | SENTENCED |
Level: | G |
Description: | Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under I |