Date of birth: | Jun 9, 1977 |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Strawberry /green |
Sentence summary: | 6 YRS |
Phone number: | (816) 387-2158 |
Assigned location: | Western Reception & Diagnostic Corr Ctr |
Active offenses: | Active OffensesSTEALING OF A MOTOR VEH-1ST OFNS |
Inmate name: | Day, Travis L |
Booking location: | Missouri |
Booking location: | Barry County, MO |
Charges: | Possession w, intent to manufacture, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Charges: | Possession of Burglary Tools, Felony D |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Charges: | Tampering with MV, Felony C |
Bond amount: | $10,000 cash/surety |
Charges: | Burglary 2nd Degree x 3, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Charges: | Theft, Stealing, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Charges: | Stealing a Motor Vehicle, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |
Charges: | Tampering with a Motor Vehicle, Felony C |
Bond amount: | No Bond |