Date of birth: | Apr 23, 1968 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Brown |
Status: | Prisoner |
Sid number: | 1671128T |
Security level: | II |
Mdoc number: | 228224 |
Discharge date: | Apr 18, 2049 |
Assigned location: | Kinross Correctional Facility |
Description: | Other- Front Mouth - 2 Gold front teeth |
Description: | Scar- Center Nose |
Description: | Scar- Front Left Forearm |
Description: | Tattoo- Center Left Chest - Heart |
Release date: | Apr 18, 2029 |
Booking location: | Oakland County, MI |
Status: | Inactive |
Sentence: | 1 |
Offense: | Controlled Substance-Delivery/Manf., Nar/Coc |
Minimum sentence: | 2 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 333.74012A4 / 769.11 |
Maximum sentence: | 40 years 0 months |
Discharge reason: | Offender Discharge |
Discharge date: | Dec 30, 1998 |
Date of sentence: | Nov 19, 1992 |
Date of offense: | Oct 9, 1992 |
Court file: | 92120633FH |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 1 |
Offense: | Robbery Armed |
Minimum sentence: | 20 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.529 / 769.12 |
Maximum sentence: | 40 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Jan 20, 2010 |
Date of offense: | Apr 19, 2009 |
Court file: | 09226516-FC |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Plea |
Status: | Active |
Sentence: | 2 |
Offense: | Robbery Armed |
Minimum sentence: | 20 years 0 months 0 days |
Mcl: | 750.529 / 769.12 |
Maximum sentence: | 40 years 0 months |
Date of sentence: | Oct 27, 2009 |
Date of offense: | Apr 9, 2009 |
Court file: | 09226671-FC |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Jury |
Status: | Inactive |
Sentence number: | 1 |
Discharge date: | May 24, 2004 |
Offense date: | Sep 3, 2000 |
Offense: | Controlled Substance-Possess Narcotic/Cocaine |
Mcl: | 333.74032A5 / 769.12 |
Maximum sentence: | 2 years 0 months |
Discharge reason: | Offender Discharge |
Court file number: | 00-174575-FH |
County: | Oakland |
Conviction type: | Plea |