Date of birth: | 1985 |
Region unit: | 6 06 |
Region description: | 500 Forest St, Courthouse Rm C012; Wausau, WI 54402; (715)261-1600 |
Doc: | 00608924 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Statute: | 939.05 , 943.01(1) M , 943.34(1)(A) M |
County: | LANGLADE |
Convicted: | Oct 16, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CF162 |
Statute: | 946.41(1) M , 961.573(1) M |
Description: | Resisting or Obstructing an Officer, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 946.41(1).; Possess Drug Paraphernalia, an unclassified misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 961.573(1). |
County: | LANGLADE |
Convicted: | Oct 16, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CM206 |
Statute: | 939.05 , 941.316(2)(A) M |
Description: | Possess Hazardous Substance with the Intent to Abuse Hazardous Substance, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 941.316(2)(a).; Bail Jumping-Misdemeanor, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 946.49(1)(a). |
County: | LANGLADE |
Convicted: | Oct 16, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CM239 |
Statute: | 946.41(1) M |
Description: | Resisting or Obstructing an Officer, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 946.41(1). |
County: | LANGLADE |
Convicted: | Oct 16, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CM72 |