Date of birth: | Apr 19, 1965 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Status: | ACTIVE |
City of birth: | DETROIT |
Birth place: | MI |
Docket no: | 1359586 |
Complexion: | MED |
Arrest date: | Jun 23, 2009 |
Arresting agency: | PINELLAS COUNTY SHERIFF |
Booking location: | Pinellas County, FL |
Unit: | A501F |
Pod: | A500 |
Mugshots com: | 186062244 |
Docket number: | 1892076 |
Ext id key: | 992733571506184576 |
Pin: | 0201007310 |
Occupation: | UNEMPLOYED |
Marital status: | S |
Counts: | 1 |
Citizen: | US |
Description: | fish birth mark on R buttcheek |
Arresting agency: | TARPON SPRINGS POLICE |
Arrest date: | Mar 30, 2022 |
Booking date: | Mar 30, 2022 |
Booking location: | Pinellas County, FL |
Arresting agency: | Sarasota County Sheriff's Office |
Arrest date: | Feb 6, 2021 |
Arrest location: | OSPREY |
Booking number: | 202100001056 |
Booking location: | Sarasota County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Feb 9, 2020 |
Booking number: | 236287 |
Booking date: | Feb 9, 2020 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Feb 17, 2017 |
Booking number: | 187344 |
Booking date: | Feb 17, 2017 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Nov 8, 2016 |
Booking number: | 183431 |
Booking date: | Nov 8, 2016 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Jun 8, 2016 |
Booking number: | 177210 |
Booking date: | Jun 8, 2016 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Mar 21, 2016 |
Booking number: | 173756 |
Booking date: | Mar 21, 2016 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO SHERIFFS OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Oct 19, 2015 |
Booking number: | 167390 |
Booking date: | Oct 19, 2015 |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Booking type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Booking type: | FELONY |
Type: | STATE |
Obts: | 5101144754 |
Felony misdemeanor: | MISDEMEANOR |
Court case: | CTC1604148MMAWS |
Code: | 810.08.2B |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge no: | 386020 |
Bond amount: | $150 |
Arrest type: | ARREST |
Arrest report: | 16022599 |
Arrest date: | Jun 8, 2016 |
Agency: | PSO |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | BATTERY - DOMESTIC |
Obts: | 5207072151 |
Court case: | CTC0917957MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Agency report number: | SO09143452 |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | BATTERY-DOMESTIC |
Obts: | 5206002809 |
Court case: | CTC0702296MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Agency report number: | SO07024675 |
Statute: | 784.03(1)/M |
Offense description: | VOP BATTERY/DOMESTIC |
Obts: | 5206016819 |
Court case: | CTC0702296MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $1,000 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SO07275529 |
Statute: | 810.02(3)/F |
Offense description: | BURGLARY (CONVEYANCE) |
Obts: | 5206016819 |
Court case: | CRC0724361CFANO |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond assessed: | $2,500 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SO07310364 |
Charge number: | TS22008355 |
Charge number: | 810.08(2)(A)/M |
Charge number: | 22-04007-MM-1 |
Charge number: | 5210120246 |
Charge description: | 202100010699 |
Charge description: | 2020CF001307CFAXWS |
Charge description: | PASCO COUNTY |
Charge description: | $0.00 |
Charge seq: | 810.09.2B |
Charge seq: | $150 |
Charge seq: | 2020MM000568AWS.1 |
Charge seq: | MISDEMEANOR |
Charge seq: | STATE |
Charge seq: | JAIL LAND O LAKES |
Charge seq: | ARREST |
Charge seq: | 20005780 |
Charge seq: | 2020/02/09 |
Charge seq: | PSO |
Charge seq: | 5102143811 |
Charge seq: | 500183 |