Date of birth: | Feb 1, 1968 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Inmate number: | 02006918 |
Active: | N |
Inmate status: | Y |
Release date: | Jan 1, 1970 |
Booking number: | B11015405 |
Booking age: | 1943 |
Booking date: | Oct 13, 2011 |
Booking location: | Walton County, FL |
Booking number: | B15029242 |
Booking date: | Oct 17, 2015 |
Release date: | Oct 22, 2015 |
Booking location: | Walton County, FL |
Booking number: | B11015717 |
Booking date: | Nov 22, 2011 |
Booking age: | 1943 |
Release date: | Jan 1, 1970 |
Booking location: | Walton County, FL |
Booking number: | B10012552 |
Booking date: | Dec 24, 2010 |
Booking age: | 1942 |
Release date: | Jan 2, 2011 |
Booking location: | Walton County, FL |
Violation level: | N |
Violation description: | OUT OF STATE FUGITIVE |
Violation code: | 941.02 |
Required cash amount: | $0 |
Obts number: | 6601050194 |
Clear type: | ROA |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest location: | 931 US HWY 331 SOUTH |
Arrest date: | Oct 18, 2015 |
Agency case number: | 1510170069 |
Violation level: | M |
Violation code: | 817.037 |
Required cash amount: | $0 |
Obts number: | 6601050194 |
Clear type: | CASH/SURETY |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond type: | CASH/SURETY |
Bond number: | BB-5398717 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Arrest location: | 931 US HWY 331 SOUTH |
Arrest date: | Oct 18, 2015 |
Agency case number: | 1510170069 |
Violation level: | F |
Violation description 2: | FVOP (BOND REVOCATION) |
Violation description: | PROB VIOLATION |
Violation code: | 948.06 |
Required cash amount: | $0 |
Obts: | 6601038607 |
Court case: | 10CF769 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest location: | JAIL |
Arrest date: | Nov 22, 2011 |
Agency case: | 11003810 |
Violation level: | N |
Violation description: | OUT-OF-STATE-FUG |
Violation code: | 941.02 |
Obts: | 6601036591 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Arrest location: | 1084 NORTH 20TH STREET |
Arrest date: | Dec 23, 2010 |
Violation level: | M |
Violation description: | 200 DOLS AND UNDER |
Violation code: | 806.13(1b1) |
Obts: | 6601036591 |
Charge number: | 2 |
Arrest location: | 1084 NORTH 20TH STREET |
Arrest date: | Dec 23, 2010 |
Violation level: | F |
Violation description: | ON OFFICER FIREFIGHTER EMT ETC |
Violation code: | 784.07(2b) |
Obts: | 6601036591 |
Charge number: | 3 |
Arrest location: | 1084 NORTH 20TH STREET |
Arrest date: | Dec 23, 2010 |
Violation level: | F |
Violation description: | WITH VIOLENCE |
Violation code: | 843.01 |
Obts: | 6601036591 |
Charge number: | 4 |
Arrest location: | 1084 NORTH 20TH STREET |
Arrest date: | Dec 23, 2010 |
Violation level: | N |
Violation description 2: | MVOP |
Violation description: | PROB VIOLATION |
Violation code: | 948.06 |
Required cash amount: | $0 |
Obts: | 6601038607 |
Court case: | 10760CF |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Arrest location: | PROBATION |
Arrest date: | Oct 13, 2011 |
Agency case: | 11003407 |