Date of birth: | Aug 2, 1973 |
Status: | Active Inmate |
Next parole hearing: | 11/01/2012 |
Booking number: | 26793-2 |
Booking location: | Fayette County, WV |
Sentencing county: | Putnam |
Order number: | 97-F-38 |
Order date: | Jan 12, 1998 |
Offense s: | Grand Larceny (1 count) |
Sentencing county: | Putnam |
Order number: | 98-F-6 |
Order date: | Feb 25, 2000 |
Offense s: | Abduction Of Person, Kidnapping/Concealing Child For Other Purposes (1 count)Burglary by B&E (1-15 yrs) (1 count)Third Degree Arson (1 count) |