Date of birth: | May 3, 1978 |
Reason held: | Pending Charge/Investigation |
Inmate location: | Dakota County Jail |
Arresting agency: | MN0191100 - LAKEVILLE PD |
Arrest date: | Jul 16, 2012 |
Arrest location: | Mn0190300 - Hastings Pd |
Booking number: | 1205585 |
Booking date: | Jul 16, 2012 |
Booking location: | Dakota County, MN |
Type: | Warrant |
Disp date: | Jul 17, 2012 |
Court number: | 19-K9-05-112-5 |
Control agency: | MN0191100 - LAKEVILLE PD |
Charge level: | FE |
Charge disp: | Awaiting - Pro Viol Hearing |
Charge: | Probation Violation - FE |
Type: | Warrant |
Disp date: | Jul 17, 2012 |
Court number: | 19-K2-04-2855-5 |
Control agency: | MN0191100 - LAKEVILLE PD |
Charge level: | FE |
Charge disp: | Awaiting - Pro Viol Hearing |
Charge: | Probation Violation - FE |
Type: | Warrant |
Statute number: | 588.20.2(8) |
Disp date: | Jul 17, 2012 |
Court number: | 19-F7-04-3189-3 |
Control agency: | MN0190000 - DAKOTA CO SHERIFF |
Charge level: | MS |
Charge disp: | Awaiting - Court Hearing |
Charge: | Contempt of Court - Fail to Pay Ordered Child Support - MS |
Type: | Warrant |
Statute number: | 588.20.2(8) |
Disp date: | Jul 17, 2012 |
Court number: | 19-F0-99-6225-3 |
Control agency: | MN0190000 - DAKOTA CO SHERIFF |
Charge level: | MS |
Charge disp: | Awaiting - Court Hearing |
Charge: | Contempt of Court - Fail to Pay Ordered Child Support - MS |
Type: | Hold for MN Agency |
Statute number: | 609.2242.4 |
Disp date: | Jul 16, 2012 |
Court number: | SCOTT CO |
Control agency: | MN0700000 - SCOTT CO SHERIFF |
Charge level: | FE |
Charge disp: | Hold Other MN County |
Charge: | Domestic Assault-Felony - FE |
Court reason: | Probation Revocation Hearing |
Court name: | Division 2 - Hastings |
Court reason: | Family Court Hearing |
Court name: | Division 2 - Hastings |
Court reason: | First Appearance |
Court name: | ICCR - Jail - Hastings |
Court disposition: | Awaiting - Pro Viol Hearing |
Type: | Held Without Bail |
Paid: | No |
Court number: | 19-K9-05-112-5 |
Type: | Fine |
Paid: | No |
Court number: | 19-F7-04-3189-3 |
Comments: | CASH BAIL |
Amount: | $7,491.86 |
Type: | Fine |
Paid: | No |
Court number: | 19-F0-99-6225-3 |
Comments: | CASH BAIL |
Amount: | $11,583.81 |
Type: | Body-Only |
Paid: | No |
Court number: | SCOTT CO |