Date of birth: | Jun 9, 1939 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Brown |
Registration: | 1653277 |
Level: | Category 2 / NOT High Risk |
Comments: | Reason for Internet Posting - Conviction for a Qualifying Sex Offense |
Inmate number: | 57247 |
Info: | Springfield Probation and Parole 100 Mineral Street, Suite 102 Springfield VT 05156 802-885-3544 |
Booking location: | Windham County, VT |
Booking location: | Vermont |
Details: | Vicitim Under 13 years of age. |
Description: | 13V3252A3 - SEXUAL ASSAULT-VICTIM |
Date convicted: | May 4, 2001 |
Counts: | 1 |
Conviction state: | Vermont |
Charges: | N/A |