William Mikel Gibson

Last Updated: March 2nd, 2025
Jail Location
West Virginia
White Male
5′ 4″ (1.63m)
160lbs (73kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Nov 13, 1977
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Imprisonment status: Misdemeanor Pre-Trial
Facility: Western Regional Jail
Status: Probationer
Sid number: 2010750X
Mdoc number: 315759
Discharge date: Jul 11, 2018
Assigned location: Oscoda/Mio

Documented Aliases


Scars marks tattoos

Description: Scar- Left Ankle

Description: Scar- Left Ear

Description: Scar- Right Arm

Description: Tattoo- Left Arm - Sun, coyote, roadrunner, bricks, flames, Scorpio, "Rage" "Born"

Description: Tattoo- Left Calf - skull, clown

Description: Tattoo- Left Forearm - tt on backside of lft 4arm " scorpio" inside of tattoo

Description: Tattoo- Left Hand - tt on web area of hand tt of a cross.

Description: Tattoo- Right Arm - "Pain" "Ass" Clown, "Evil" bricks, Tweety Bird, flames, "AJM, CTM"

Description: Tattoo- Right Arm - tt of tweety on rt upper arm

Description: Tattoo- Right Calf - "dirty white boy w/ skull and cross bones "

Description: Tattoo- Right Forearm - tt on backside of rt 4arm of a clown w saying " ass clown"

Description: Tattoo- Right Shoulder

Description: Tattoo- Stomach - "misery" skull, Tasmanian Devil

Description: Tattoo- Upper Back - No Mercy in Life, sun, cross,

Description: Tattoo- Upper Left Arm - tt on wley coyote and road runner , tt of a heart above it .

Description: Tattoo- Upper Right Chest - tt on rt upper chest area " taz on a skate board"

Recent Arrests

Booking date: Apr 1, 2015
Booking location: Putnam County, WV

Release date: Jul 11, 2016
Booking location: Gladwin County, MI

Booking location: West Virginia

Recent Charges

Status: Inactive
Sentence: 2
Offense: Police Officer - Fleeing - Fourth Degree
Minimum sentence: 1 year 6 months 0 days
Mcl: 750.479A2 / 769.10
Maximum sentence: 3 years 0 months
Discharge reason: Offender Discharge
Discharge date: Nov 25, 2006
Date of sentence: Jan 12, 2004
Date of offense: Nov 26, 2003
Court file: 03001212-FH-H
County: Gladwin
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Inactive
Sentence: 1
Offense: Operating Intoxicated/Impaired/Controlled Substance - 3rd
Minimum sentence: 1 year 6 months 0 days
Mcl: 257.6256D / 769.10
Maximum sentence: 7 years 6 months
Discharge reason: Offender Discharge
Discharge date: Jun 2, 2010
Date of sentence: Jan 12, 2004
Date of offense: Nov 26, 2003
Court file: 03001212-FH-E
County: Gladwin
Conviction type: Plea

Other charges

Victim sex: FEMALE
Victim relation: ACQUAINTANCE
Victim age: ADULT
Offense: 4th Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct (Force or Coercion) in the state of Michigan served approximately 6 months in a correctional facility.
Conviction date: Jun 23, 2000
Charges: N/A


Status: Active
Sentence number: 1
Discharge date: Jul 11, 2016
Offense date: Feb 28, 2016
Offense: Police Officer - Assault/Resist/Obstruct
Mcl: 750.81D1
Maximum sentence: 2 years 0 months
Court file number: 16-001444FH
County: Oscoda
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Active
Sentence number: 2
Discharge date: Jul 11, 2016
Offense date: Feb 28, 2016
Offense: Police Officer - Assault/Resist/Obstruct
Mcl: 750.81D1
Maximum sentence: 2 years 0 months
Court file number: 16-001444FH
County: Oscoda
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Inactive
Sentence number: 1
Discharge date: Feb 27, 2004
Offense date: Sep 11, 2001
Offense: Operating - OUIL/Per SE/OWI - 3rd Offense Notice
Mcl: 257.6256D
Maximum sentence: 3 years 0 months
Discharge reason: Discharged Without Improvement
Court file number: 020017-FH
County: Montmorency
Conviction type: Plea


Issuing agency location: CABELL COUNTY - Bail Amount: $6,000.00
Court info number: 15M-4563-1564


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.