William Craig Morton

Last Updated: February 6th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
175lbs (79kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1954
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
State id: 247149
SO#: 154749
Booked at: SALT LAKE
Cob: Utah

Documented Aliases


Recent Arrests

Booking number: 0826318
Booking date: Sep 27, 2008
Release date: Sep 27, 2008
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0822975
Booking date: Aug 23, 2008
Release date: Aug 24, 2008
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0820357
Booking date: Jul 29, 2008
Release date: Jul 29, 2008
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0417779
Booking date: Jul 26, 2004
Release date: May 9, 2005
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0410809
Booking date: Apr 30, 2004
Release date: May 11, 2004
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0329175
Booking date: Nov 20, 2003
Release date: Dec 5, 2003
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0210159
Booking date: May 7, 2002
Release date: Jun 7, 2002
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0130099
Booking date: Dec 11, 2001
Release date: Dec 11, 2001
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0123041
Booking date: Sep 17, 2001
Release date: Oct 1, 2001
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 0105869
Booking date: Mar 10, 2001
Release date: Mar 13, 2001
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9827769
Booking date: Dec 1, 1998
Release date: Apr 14, 1999
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9726103
Booking date: Nov 18, 1997
Release date: Dec 12, 1997
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking number: 9701183
Booking date: Jan 15, 1997
Release date: Jan 15, 1997
Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Booking location: Salt Lake County, UT

Bonds Issued

Number: 005911003
Amount: $3,000

Number: 011915611
Amount: $2,500

Amount: $1,110

Number: 081100903
Amount: $1,005

Number: 005911003
Amount: $5,000

Amount: $1,150

Number: 931001030
Amount: $535

Number: 951025260
Amount: $505

Number: 955002804
Amount: $750

Number: 96-08351
Amount: $170

Number: 961002366
Amount: $5,000

Number: 965007314
Amount: $442

Number: 965008478
Amount: $669

Number: 975000739
Amount: $255

Number: 975002291
Amount: $595

Amount: $1,850

Number: 005911003
Amount: $2,500

Number: 011400836
Amount: $50,000

Number: 021911457
Amount: $5,000

Number: 975000739
Amount: $605

Number: 075309663
Amount: $1,128

Number: 081300241
Amount: $1,574

Number: 081907058
Amount: $7,500

Number: 011400836
Amount: $15,000

Number: 021911457
Amount: $10,000

Number: 075309663
Amount: $564

Number: 075313996
Amount: $857

Number: 081300241
Amount: $787

Number: C07-08294
Amount: $1,500

Number: 951025260
Amount: $1,000

Number: 955002804
Amount: $500

Number: 96-08351
Amount: $290

Number: 961002366
Amount: $25,000

Number: 971005085
Amount: $2,500

Number: 975002291
Amount: $475

Number: 97500739
Amount: $505

Number: 98-02382
Amount: $1,050

Number: 98-02383
Amount: $1,050

Number: 011400836
Amount: $30,000

Number: 041101299
Amount: $3,000

Number: 931001030
Amount: $1,575

Number: 951025260
Amount: $575

Number: 955002804
Amount: $294

Number: 965007314
Amount: $372

Number: 965009478
Amount: $726


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.