Willie Beard

Last Updated: January 12th, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 17, 1984
Tank location: KT 01-E
Jail location: Kays Tower
Bond amount: $1,864
Attorney: Declined Declined

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 13039233
Booking date: Jun 16, 2013
Booking location: Dallas County, TX

Recent Charges

Warrant: M1271083
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Case number: M1271083
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $1,000

Warrant: M1317237
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Case number: M1317237
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $500

Warrant: 70909092H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 70909092H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 70910751H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 70910751H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 70913549h
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 70913549h
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 70914326H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 70914326H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 712017710H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 712017710H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71204973a
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71204973a
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71205900a
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71205900a
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71207705a
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71207705a
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71212417H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71212417H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71214029H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71214029H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71214204H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71214204H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71214431H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71214431H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71215304H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71215304H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71215383H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71215383H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71217876H
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71217876H
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 71303039a
Magistrate: Jendrzey, Edward
Charge: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - Fare Evasion
Case number: 71303039a
Bond forfeiture: N
Bond amount: $0

Warrant: 0040288203
Status: Hold
Remark: H/F ARLINGTON PD $364.00 BOND
Magistrate: Edward,Jendrzey
Bond amount: $364


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.