Date of birth: | Dec 19, 1990 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Registration: | 1244727 |
Comments: | " Probation Conditions Entered |
Description: | Tattoo on L_Shoulder (SKULL) |
Description: | Tattoo on L_forearm (NO FEAR) |
Description: | Tattoo on L_forearm (CROSSED TOMAHAWK) |
Description: | Tattoo on R_Shoulder (TRIBAL) |
Description: | Tattoo on Chest (APRIL 5 2010 ON LT SIDE) |
Booking location: | Connecticut |
Release date: | Oct 18, 2013 |
Details: | The Offender, at the age of 21, had sexual contact with a 13 year-old victim during March of 2012. The victim was known to the Offender. |
Description: | 53-21(a)(2) - Risk or Injury to a minor involving contact with the intimate parts of someone under age 16 View this statute |
Date convicted: | May 6, 2013 |
Conviction state: | Connecticut |
Charges: | N/A |