Date of birth: | Dec 25, 1954 |
Number: | 1033297 |
Inmate location: | 54 |
Custody status: | In |
Booking date: | Mar 22, 2012 |
Booking location: | Ada County, ID |
Booking location: | Ada County, ID |
Statute: | I18-7008 |
Severity: | M |
Court date: | Mar 1922 |
Charge: | TRESPASS |
Agency: | Boise City Police |
Warrant: | CRMD20120004520 |
Severity: | M |
Number of charges on offence: | 1 |
Description: | FAIL TO OBEY CITATION |
Date of issue: | May 11, 2012 |
Cash bond option: | $0 |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Warrant: | CRMD20080010775 |
Severity: | M |
Number of charges on offence: | 1 |
Date of issue: | Feb 10, 2010 |
Cash bond option: | $0 |
Bond amount: | $1,500 |
Warrant: | CRMD20080006225 |
Severity: | M |
Number of charges on offence: | 1 |
Date of issue: | Apr 22, 2010 |
Cash bond option: | $0 |
Bond amount: | $2,500 |
Warrant: | CRMD20090000387 |
Severity: | M |
Number of charges on offence: | 2 |
Description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Date of issue: | Jun 2, 2009 |
Cash bond option: | $0 |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Warrant: | M0302563 |
Severity: | M |
Number of charges on offence: | 2 |
Description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT |
Date of issue: | Aug 22, 2005 |
Cash bond option: | $367 |
Bond amount: | $3,600 |