Date of birth: | Apr 25, 1987 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000295391 |
Obid: | 574101 |
Jid: | 11-124168 |
Housing: | Not Active |
Committed at: | 8/17/2011 at 15:30 |
Inmate name: | GARDNER, ALAN |
Committed: | 1/19/2015 at 21:27 |
Arrest number: | 01506093 |
Arrest date: | Aug 17, 2011 |
Arrest officer: | MSD |
Release date: | Aug 23, 2011 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01424627 |
Arrest date: | Aug 31, 2009 |
Arrest officer: | PRPA |
Release date: | Sep 21, 2009 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01413707 |
Arrest date: | Jun 1, 2009 |
Arrest officer: | ABS |
Release date: | Jun 2, 2009 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01638300 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01626032 |
Release date: | 2003 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01506093 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01583109 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Ref: | 005 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 233700 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 15CR202402 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 006 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 233700 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 15CR202401 |
Bond amount: | REL 5000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 522400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 15CR202398 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 522400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 15CR202399 |
Bond amount: | REL 25000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 386300 |
Cnty type: | PITT COMP |
Case csl: | 09CVD3465 |
Bond amount: | FTC 1398 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 340100 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 13CR230588 |
Bond amount: | REL 250 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 532800 1150B |
Cnty type: | VDGJ |
Case csl: | 14CR236159 |
Bond amount: | REL 5000 |
Ref: | 007 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 532800 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044130 |
Bond amount: | FTA 1000 |
Ref: | 008 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 532800 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044129 |
Bond amount: | FTA 1000 |
Ref: | 009 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 532800 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044128 |
Bond amount: | FTA 1000 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 524000 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 15CR202404 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 004 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 524000 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 15CR202403 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | E |
Court: | 356000 |
Case csl: | 08CRS210091 |
Bond amount: | SENT 0 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 222600 1150B |
Cnty type: | VDGJ |
Case csl: | 14CR236158 |
Bond amount: | REL 15000 |
Ref: | 011 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 222600 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044124 |
Bond amount: | FTA 50000 |
Ref: | 004 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138900 1150B |
Cnty type: | VDGJ |
Case csl: | 14CR236160 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 010 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138900 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044127 |
Bond amount: | FTA 2000 |
Ref: | 005 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138700 1150B |
Cnty type: | VDGJ |
Case csl: | 14CR236162 |
Bond amount: | REL 25000 |
Ref: | 012 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138700 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044126 |
Bond amount: | FTA 5000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 132300 1150B |
Cnty type: | VDGJ |
Case csl: | 14CR236157 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 013 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 132300 1150B |
Cnty type: | UNS |
Case csl: | 14CR044125 |
Bond amount: | FTA 5000 |
Court case: | 0000000000 |
Charge description: | IV-D NON-SUPPORT OF CHILD |
Arrest type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Arrest process: | ORDER FOR ARREST |
Disposition: | A |
Case csl: | HLD-117228 |
Bond amount: | CMPDEM |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0821009101 |
Charge description: | PROBATION VIOLATION |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Arrest process: | ORDER FOR ARREST |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0922653301 |
Bond amount: | $250 |
Arrest type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0922653401 |
Charge description: | RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICER |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Arrest type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Type: | COMP |
Sentence min yy mm dd: | 00-04-00 |
Sentence max yy mm dd: | 00-05-00 |
Sentence end: | 1/13/2012 |
Sentence begin: | 8/17/2011 |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | FTC |
Disposition: | A |
Description: | IV-D NON-SUPPORT OF CHILD |
Cnty: | PITT |
Charge: | 386300 |
Case: | 09CVD3465 |
Bond: | 1398 |
Sentence min yy mm dd: | 00-04-00 |
Sentence max yy mm dd: | 00-05-00 |
Sentence end: | 8/17/2011 |
Sentence begin: | 8/17/2011 |
Ref: | 002 |
Ord: | SENT |
Disposition: | E |
Description: | C/S-SCH II- POSSESS COCAINE |
Cred: | 162 |
Charge: | 356000 |
Case: | 08CRS210091 |
Type: | SEC |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | FTA |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 4170A |
Charge: | 503200 |
Case: | 08CR210091 |
Bond: | 2500 |
Type: | NPC |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Charge: | 570900 |
Case: | 00CR000000 |
Type: | UNS |
Ref: | 002 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 355000 |
Case: | 09CR226533 |
Bond: | 250 |
Type: | UNS |
Ref: | 003 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 531000 |
Case: | 09CR226534 |
Bond: | 500 |